


This year’s March turned out to be a special kind of month.
And that all is thanks to our Hniña de Besos.
You see, our youngest star was pregnant and so being, threw all our plans into disarray.
It for one meant that we could forget about our ‘Spain plans’….and that was ‘ouch’!

Our last minute attempt to organize a combined litterwalk for our youngest 3 litters wasn’t succesful
We will try again as soon as our coming miracles have left with their new families.

Instead we had a wonderful time working in the garden : everything is clean again and back in it’s
place and the last pruning work has also been done,
So, when the V-miracles will be there, we won’t have to worry about that any more.

And then, out of the blue, it’s March 8! Special? Yes…..a bit!
You see, the calender said ‘second ultra at the Utrecht University’
Not because it was necessary, but especially for the students : they hardly ever see an ultra of a
healthy so far along pregnancy. So, when my girls feel ok….then we help out!
And just have a look at what there was to be seen……. 

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

ultra on day 50 of the pregnancy

And something we absolutely were not to forget : the birthday of our little devil Djaya de Besos.
She – as her siblings – on 2024.03.12 were 7 years old > goes to fast…
As is a custom with us, the girls celebrated Djaya’s birthday with cream cake.

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

Djaya de Besos
– 7 years old already

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

birthday cake

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan


Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

D-litter of I Besos di Ròsa
– now 7 years old

And so we slowly lived towards March 22…Hniña de Besos her due date.
Did she get there >> no, of course not! Being a Cocódot she sets her own rules……
Hniña de Besos decided she this time wanted to have Sundayschildren.
And so she on Sunday 2024.03.17 gave us eight beautiful Cocódotjes-miracles
> 3 handsome lads and 5 pretty girls.
And of course also these Cocódotjes-miracles were baptized – as is a custom with us.
This time not with a delicious Cava, but – as daddy lives in Germany – with a Sekt.

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

the V-miracles with mum
Hniña de Besos

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

this time baptized with a Sekt

As far as the Newspage is concerned : this is it for the time being
       During April, May and possibly June : for our news see Litterplans >> V-litter d.d. 2024.03.17




The 4th crop of the seventh generation Cocódotjes-miracles!!!

    I, the owner /breeder, and
                their great-grandmother Ròsa Ke-sera,
                                                grandma I Besos di Ròsa,
                                                                aunt Djaya de Besos
                                                                         and mum Hniña de Besos,

want to inform you that on Sunday 2024.03.17
the birth of new Cocódotjes-miracles made the world a little prettier
3 handsome lads and 5 pretty girls
our V-litter
mum = Hniña de  Besos van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
dad = Iskandar du Jardin des Lucioles

Due to circumstances 1 puppy available!

mama Djaya de Besos Van Hoefflaecken's Cocó en haar 8 O-wondertjes

mum Hniña de Besos presents her V’s

het O-nestje van Djaya de Besos

V-litter of Hniña de Besos

For information 
call 0(0-31)33-2535467
or mail us



As we do every year since 2010…we started the month with a party!
For : on the 1st of the month we celebrate the birthday of our Ròsa Ke-sera.
Ròsa Ke-sera now already is 14 years old!
But still happy and in excellent condition.
Sadly during the last 7 months 4 puppies out of this litter of 10 have passed away……

We, as is usual with us, celebrated it with a lovely walk and thereafter enjoyed a birthdaycake
We hope to be allowed to keep her with us still for quiet some time.


Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

Ròsa Ke-sera 14 years old today

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

the birthdaycake

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

……can we…….

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

and enjoy

After that we started getting busy getting every in the house we needed to have in for when our new
miracles would be there. As Hniña de Besos much sooner than expected went on loversdate we
hadn’t yet been busy with that at all – so now speed was needed.


     But then came February 21 > D-day….for time for the ultrasound…exciting every time again.
          And what we saw on the screen were lovely miracles-to-be, good heartbeats and size.
> something to look forward to.


Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

ultra-sound of a Cocódotjes-miracle to be

I always say “they aren’t pregnant until it shows on the ultrasound…
And it’s só funny : after the ultrasound …. they all at once áre pregnant!
They eat very good, start growing and are in need of extra special attention and cuddles…..
I guess my girls and I agree……



Finally! After all those weeks and weeks of wetness…..it’s COLD! And how! Wonderful!
Not much later we even were spoiled with snow < how happy can one be……

In December we were hoping for a month just for us…….that turned out differently…..
So, put are cards on a quiet month of January
Well, with girls like mine, one shouldn’t > they always make sure to surprise you.
Yes, indeed, surprise you!
Our little monster Hniña de Besos decided qppr. 2 months before expected that she was ready for a
new lover > so on 2024.01.19 we took of to Germany : really nice traveling this time of year….
especially with the change of wheather the days before leaving > lots of snow, black ice and
freezing….ofcourse, why not…….
But all the snow and black ice and the freezing cold didn’t keep us away and the trip was succesful.
Hniña de Besos and Iskandar had a wonderful time playing in the snow.
Now it’s waiting for the ultrasound in appr. 5 weeks and then hope for new miracles around 2024.03.22!

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

Hniña de Besos and her lover Iskan

So that was January…………..we didn’t do much after that……needed to recover from the shock!




