Our Gos d’Atura Català
Further formation and showresults see the individual pages of
Gala ~ Rubí
Ah well … our Gos d’Atura’s Català. How things in life can happen.
One day you have and are happy with – then still – 3 (generations) of the most adorable Schapendoezen and the next day …

For years now I am a member of the Catalonian Kennel Club and I in the meantime have made several friends in Catalunya as well as in Spain, among them people who have and /or breed Gos d’Atura Català.
It is a breed very similar to the Schapendoes and one way or another it attracts: it fraternizes! Among my best friends in Catalunya are Tina & Vicente Gasco Correcher, They breed Gos d’Atura Català and Dogo Canario under the kennelname Canmuc.
In Spain they call my Schapendoezen “Dutch Gos d’Atura’s” and I call their Gossos “Spanish Schapendoezen” > nothing for nothing. Once a Spanish (dog)judge said to Vicente “there today is a lady here with súch strange Gossos: all shades of grey, is that allowed”?
When I in 2002 for the first time participated in a dogshow in Spain with my eldest Schapendoeslady Cocó, no-one there had a clue what kind of a breed it was and I was bombarded with questions. In the meantime we are well know in Spain and I, by many people, am called “la señora holandesa”!
Because I always try to make my dogs Catalonian and Spanish champions – and so far we are successful doing so – Tina & Vicente once said that it would be really nice when one of their dogs would become a Dutch champion. After which I spontaniously responded to be willing to help out.
Well … they just happened to have a Goslady – Gala – who is 2 weeks younger than my Schapendoes male Hijo, they were “sort of” friends and so she was the chosen one!

In 2006 Gala therefore stayed with us for about half a year: within no time it was as if it had always been like that and in shows she also did extremely well: she went home as an International Champion and was supposed to come back to gain her fourth and final point for the Dutch title.
In 2008 I was about to leave for Spain with my – then – youngest Schapendoeslady to try and gain the last 2 points for the Catalonian title and the last one for the Spanish title. The night before leaving: a phonecall from Spain! Tina & Vicente asked whether it would be possible for Gala to come and stay with us permanently, for she wasn’t very happy in the kennel anymore after living in the homely environment with me >> how can one say no! > It was after all “our” Gala we were talking about.So … all of a sudden I also had a Gos d’Atura Català: Gala de Canmuc. A most beautiful (very dark) grey bitch with the most beautiful head and the sweetest of caracters.

Yes … and then … you – by the Breeding Club – are asked to have a litter with her because of her qualities ( and new bloodline ).
On June 14 – 2009 she gave birth to 7 wonderfull little miracles: 3 males and 4 bitches.
One of them – a bitch – … we kept for ourselves. Her full name is “Gala’s Arubí Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó“, at home she is called: Rubí. She has been named after the place of birth of her mama Gala.

Also here time doesn’t come to a hold: Rubi on her turn became a mother in. In 2011, 2014, 2016 and 2017 she gave birth to once again beautiful examples for the breed, but more important: with lovely caracters. And so making mama Gala grandma Gala.
The puppies born in 2017 are to be the last puppies of this breed born in our house.
In the meantime pretty Gala as well as our ever-so-special Rubí have passed away.
They joined our Schapendoezen Cocó, Hijo and Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo on our little cloud up above.
From there they keep an eye on us……..
The fantástic offspring they gifted us with keep them alive……