
News 2013


16.09.2013 Great puppynews

Our youngest Gos d’Atura Català: Rubí (Gala’s Arubí Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó) has been in Utrecht for a first ultrasound. And we could see miracles swimming and hear strong powerfull heartbeats. Now it is certain: mid-January new Gossos-miracles.


29.11.2011 – 29.11.2013

(Rubí’s Rapaz) – Rubí’s Roshari – Rubí’s Roser – Rubí’s Rantxa – Rubí’s Raiyah – Rubí’s Racha Today the miracles of our Rubí already make 2 years old. We wish them a wonderfull day and hope they will get very spoiled.


2nd Birthday-litterwalk R-miracles of Rubí – born 29.11.’11 how fast time flies. Also these miracles are now 2 years old. We celebrate this with our usual litterwalk. This we did on Sunday 24.11, a for the most of us best available date. We left home in the rain but as soon as we gathered the sun came out and we had wonderful weather. The dogs had a lot of fun and one of them even dared test the watertemperature. Thank you “Fam Pip”for the catering and “Fam Rico” for the treat. It was wonderful to see you all again. Sadly mama Rubí had to stay on the leish being then 10 days pregnant.


5.11.’13 Ons Roebeltje had a “loversdate”


Apparently our beautiful Gossos-lady enjoyed the miracles of her Schapendoes”sister” Ròsa Ke-sera so much, that she did not want to wait any longer. We had hardly started doning the medical- and bloodtests when we got the message that she was ready and allowed to go meet her “lover” or better said: she hád to go run.


Both parents HD-A.
Mid-December we will have an ultra-sound done. If all goes well and as hoped for, we expect the puppies mid-January 2014. Information and/or interested in a puppy? Don’t hesitate to contact us.



October 2013

23.10.1999 – 23.10.20103 en 23.10.2003-23.10.2013
Cocó and her son Hijo celebrated their birthdays they now count 14 and 10 years.


2013.08.19 Great puppy-news

Ròsa Ke-sera was in Utrecht for a check-up and an ultra-sound. Somewhat later than usual, but she truly is pregnant. The coming little Cocódotjes-miracles are already quiet big and it looks like it once again will be a “big family”. Apparently also this generation prolongs another tradition. Now we have to sit and wait ’till the big day is there.


Litterplans 13.07.’13

Our rosebud now is a rose in bloom.


Our little whitch Ròsa Ke-sera kept us waiting for quiet a while, but finally, on the day we saw our first waterlilly of the year it was time.

Both parents ECVO-free, g-PRA aa/++, HD-A
Combination without objections approved by the German IGS.


Mid-August we will have an ultra-sound done. If all goes well and as hoped for, we expect the puppies mid-September 2013.

June 2013


Yeah, June what shall I say about June. Ofcourse I was hóping to announce that we once again were expecting new Schapendoes-miracles, but unfortunately: Ròsa Ke-sera refuses to start her period. For the last 6 weeks I have waited, I have not kept silent, and very occasionally just for a second I thought but: no Our little whitch refuses to cooperate. But we continue to hope and hope or shouldn’t we.


Something else that didn’t go as was hoped for, was the wheather. We, to be timely prepared for a wonderful summer, installed our loungeset and all that comes with it, and so the doggies and I were ready but unfortunately: instead of looking for the shade in our lounge-area, we could use it to seek shelter from the rain.


But what else happened. Well, there are a few very good things to share with you ECVO-eyetest. Because the expiration-date of the eye-test of Ròsa Ke-sera and the others came close and we – we keep hoping I said, didn’t I – need a valid eyetest for mating, the whole bunch went to see the eye specialist. And once again all eyes were found to be without any problems. Even when there is no reason to expect an other conclusion, it is always good to once again have it officially confirmed to be in good order.


A pretty daughter of our youngest Gos d’Atura Català Rubí: Rubí’s Racha, received the results from the Raad van Beheer and Yes. After the Schapendoezen and Rubí + 2 of her sisters, Kennel Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó once more can note a wonderfull HD-A, now for the next Gos-generation / Racha Isn’t that great.

The doggie-hairdresser

Yes, it’s true: one of mý doggies went to the hairdresser. There is a first time for everything and so, also for this, who could have thought this to be the case with us. Our “majesty”, our old lady Cocó, nowadays is not into getting combed anymore. Doing so she can become really nasty with me, especially when I want to combe her coat in the front, on her frontlegs and/or on her head she becomes very intolerant. And so, in the evening, I sit on the bed with her and try to at least do her ears with a hairpin But her front, her frontlegs and her face > impossible As I do not want her to – at this time and stage in her life – start disliking me because of this, I had to think of something else. And thought: maybe when someone else tries to combe her, that migt work. So we contacted a doggie-hairdresser we know well > but no. She couldn’t even do half as much as I could on my own, not even when I helped. So, what now. I contacted the vet to see whether it was possible for Cocó to get a light sedation so I could do that part of her coat she didn’t allow me to do anymore– considering her age I had to be sure that it would be safe > so that’s how we did it and she once again looked like the lady she is. If this is how it has to be, that’s how it will be, I will keep doing as much as I can and every now and then we will do the rest like this again – but: only if and as long as it is safe for Cocó Our old lady has to stay the Grand Old Lady she is.


4th-Birthday-puppywalk A-litter Gala

Time flies, doesn’t it. For these miracles already are 4 years old. Besides mama Gala and ofcourse our own one-and-only Rubí, were present Rubí’s sisters Athina and Alegría and her brother Agasco. Aradí was on holiday, Amiga’s owners had obligations elsewhere and Alvaro sadly passed away last February: making it even more important to see eachother again. The wheather-gods were not on our side for it rained from the moment we met, which however wasn’t something that bothered the dogs. At times they – sometimes exuberantly – played in the rain puddles and some of the daredevils even went for a swim. The moment we went inside for coffee the rain stopped and the sun came out.

It was wonderfull to see these miracles again – also their families ofcourse – and it was an absolute pleasure to see them beaving so well together. I wish to thank all owners for taking such good care of our /of Gala’s miracles.


Our Sanittshund

Yes. that’s what one of our puppies is in training for. After Chiara Ke-sera – she by the way at home is called Doeschka – last winter already did some training for avalanche-dog, her owner now took her to a course for tracking-dogs. She did her utmost best and had great fun doing it, just like her owner. We are very proud of her Yes, Doeschka absolutely is our tough little Doezen-lady.


May 2013


May was another fantastic and eventfulll month. We once again have been through a lot and the doggies are the best. With any and all – also having dogs – we went on long walks in forests in The Netherlands and in Germany, we once again were able to fill in our agenda just as we wanted to and slowly everything turned back to normal after all the buzz of our wonderful H-litter-puppies and all that comes with it. And also we are waiting for our precious Rsa Ke-sera to tell us that finally her time has come for making puppies.


What a Whitsunday-weekend we experienced!

There was the World Dog Show 2013 in Budapest – Hungary Kennel “van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó “ participated with 4 of our dogs : – the Schapendoezen Hijo and his granddaughter Ròsa Ke-sera – The Gos d’Atura’s Català Rubí and her daughter Racha. 2 Schapendoezen and 2 Gos d’Atura’s Català: 2 of each breed: nice.  

And we were to come home with – especially considering the circumstances – excelent results , being a World-title for each breed > Archimède Hijo now is FCI Veteran World Winner 2013. > Rubí’s Racha now also is FCI Youth World Winner 2013. (thank you Fam Bos-Koster).

Both the other ladies each won a national point but had to leave the rest to others: one can’t always win it all, that’s how it is Extreemly satisfied with and proud of our results we went home again.


Saturday that same weekend in Arnhem, Rubí’s daughter Rubí’s Racha Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó made Dutch Youth Champion. Isn’t she a good girl. She also finished her Dutch Youth-career as BOB.


VDH Europa Siegershow 2013

Here – in the ES-Show in Dortmund – our handsome man, our machissimo Hijo really showed his best side once again. Not only did he make Best Male Veteran but by doing so now is VDH Europa Veteranensieger 2013. This was his 3rd German show as a Veteran and each time he made Best Veteran (male) – or more – and so each time he won a Veteran point. And so by also doing so in this ES-show he now also is German Veteran Champion Isn’t he amazing, our handsome guy. We are such a proud family.


Visiting H-litter puppies of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo

After visiting the first 3 puppies in April, we went on with our “puppy-tour” of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s H-litter. It makes me very, very happy that wherevere we showed up we were met by a happy, free and healthy naughty puppy and just as happy and very proud families. It every time again is so good to notice that our miracles found loving families. In June we will visit the last 2 puppies of this litter.


Updates/news (february) march and april


February and April: not the best of news

April Unfortunately, not all goes as hoped for, expected and / or talked about, agreed upon.  

One of the owners of a puppy out of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s C – litter, has found it necessary to use this puppy – awarded to them under conditions well spoken about and /or put down in writing – for mating at the tender age of only just 17 months. Let is be very clear to everyone: absolutely without my consent for the combination (not made known to me) as well as for the ridiculously young age the little man is being “used”. He himself will not be less / get worse from mating but this was not as spoken about and/or agreed upon and should not have happened. Even though it is allowed according to the general /basic rules of the Raad van Beheer and / or according to some other breeders who feel it to be “ should be possible “. Then they should have found themselves a puppy there and not with us. Wonder how they will they handle the contractual maximum 5 matings per country. Or needn’t I. Poor boy. I am, and can only be, really sad about the whole issue.


A phonecall from the owner of one of the puppies of our Gala, a brother to our Rubí: on February 23 Barςa (Gala’s Alvaro Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó) drowned. No more than 3 ½ years old, a very handsome male and such a sweetheart. He no longer is amongst us and his family and we are very sad.
Barςa = Gala’s Alvaro van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó *2009.06.14 – †2013.02.23  


April – Rubí

On the way back home through Switzerland we went looking for a new love partner for our Rubí. And we found her a very handsome guy and “booked” him. No, we are not telling who he is, we never do, that will come when the time is there. Being there our Ròsa Ke-sera found it necessary to fall in the swimming-pool, there wasn’t much water in, only about 10 cm, but she stood there in total bewilderment, crying without making a move.


April – the 1st visits to the puppies

We have been on the road and have seen, cuddled and kissed the 1st 3 of our recent puppies. And we teased the new owners by still calling them “our babies”. But no, they are well of where they are now and they are being loved intensely. Now they no longer are ours, that is in a way they will stay ours for ever.

April – in general

“April does what it wants”- as we say and so it is. To “catch up” we had some nice dinner- and drinking-dates with our friends. We made lovely long walks in the woods with the dogs. Yes: even great-grandma Cocó is still present then, okay: she doesn’t walk that fast anymore and I keep her on a long leish to be safe, but she still participates And enjoys It is just the combing: she has more and more problems with me doing so.


Also, we had to stay with us for a day our Chiara Ke-sera = Doeschka from Switzerland. Her owner had a party to go to and so we also had one Doeschka had a lovely time in the woods with her grandpa Hijo and was able to catch up with her doggy-family. It is so nice to see how she immediatly fitted in again – even when eating – as if it had never been else.


After that we started looking to see if there might be shows in which we could participate during the coming months and yes, there are. First of all we went to the Italian Club Match 2013 and you won’t hear me complain about the results. This time Rubí was supporter to the 4 Cocódotjes. Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo – even though she very recently had numereous puppies – was awarded Excellent, her daddy Hijo and her daughter Ròsa Ke-sera both won 2nd place in their classes and our old lady Cocó once again made Veteran Club Winner The only hiccup was the wheater. We – and everything we had with us – were soaked.


March – 2nd half

That’s when everything started to get back to normal as far as possible that is. We arranged the 3rd -birthday-puppywalk with the R-litter of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo: they celebrated their birthday on February 1st but due to the new puppies we couldn’t do the walk then. Due to the change of the date not all could come, but still 6 out 10 were present. Though one cancellled last minute. And because Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo came out of her childbirth of another extreemly big litter so very, very well in shape, she was able to come along and enjoy the walk with her eldest puppies.We had stormy, cold, but dry wheather Afterwards we therefore were able to enjoy some refreshments outside on the terrace.


March – 1st half

That is when all puppies from Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo ’s H – litter flew out. They went to all kinds of families: sometimes to a couple who’s children just left the house, sometimes to couples who have 1, 2 or 3 children. Some to young couples and some to people who already have one Schapendoes, or even more than one. Most went to live abroad. Ofcourse we are in contact with each and everyone of them, but for now we leave them be without our interfering – unless when asked to – so they can get accustomed to eachother. Soon we will visit all of them and their new families. Knowing where they live it means a lot of traveling.



Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you. Ròsa Ke-sera Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó – 3 jaar Just as her siblings Riko, Ravi, Ronin, Reza, Rafa, Rago, Rana, Rani en Raya she today is 3 years old. We wish these Cocódotjes-miracles a real “spoiled-rotten”-day To Ròsa Ke-sera the coming year will be a very special year for she for the first time hopes to become a mama.