News 2017
17 december 2017

Djaya de Besos and her first showing.
Djaya de Besos and her first showing.
Only 9 months and 5 days old
In Gorinchem – NL
Junior Class
Exc 1 Junior point Best Junior + 2nd Best Bitch and ResCAC = CAC
Só proud of our 6th generation
06 december 2017

These 2 Schapendoes-miracles – born 2017.10.21 – 1 female and 1 male are waiting fot their loving families.
21 oktober – 18 november 2017

the 10 – frolicing
The 10 E-miracles of Ròsa Ke-sera & Baloo now are 30 days old They grow real good, start discovering eachother – biting in eachothers mouths and pulling tails – and for a week they have been eating beef > they lóve it.

the 10 with mama Ròsa Ke-sera
For a few puppies we are still waiting for loving families
Interested? Cal: +31 (0)33 2535 467 Or mail to info@hoefflaeckens-coco.nl or cocodotjes@hetnet.nl
October 2017
It was a special month and that is what it was! Bringing a closure to this month > we were to experience the birth of the E-miracles of our Ròsa Ke-sera and her lover Baloo : 2 hands full she gave us, 10 healthy and strong miracles, 3 pretty girls and 7 robust lads. For some loving families puppies are still available.

With such splendid wheather you cannot but love to work in the garden. The girls this time were not in the mood to help but they later were willing to pose for a foto.

This complete month ofcourse was all about the expected arrival of Ròsa Ke-sera’s new – and last – miracles. Ròsa Ke-sera who managed to completely change our October-plans : but that’s ‘nature’! Even though we did not want to cancel all, so :
15 october 2017
A combined and somewhat early ( both litters are from November ) birthday-litterwalk with the C-miracles of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo and the R-miracles of Rubí. The puppies from both litters will all be 6 years old next month Due to the changed timing there this time were less participants but it never the less was super We also had the most wonderfull wheather one can ask for and our ‘caterar’participants even managed to still bring sangria > delicious!!

October 5-9 2017
After some hesitation, we decided to yes go to Spain where I Besos di Ròsa, to obtain the Spanish title, still needed to win an obligatory point in Talavera de la Reina Very pregnant Ròsa Ke-sera ofcourse did not join us but was allowed to stay over at ‘Family Pip’ where she was well taken care of. To be able to enter the showground all dogs needed to be entered for the show, so…..that’s what we did! Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo and Rubí both in Veteran Class < a Class they both won, so they were to appear in the Ring of Honour. Rubí there even was selected with the Best 6 Veterans ( out of appr. 30 ). Djaya participated in Puppy Class > a good training! But I Besos di Ròsa…she had to go for the real thing, and she did! She won the obligatory point and made Best of Breed.
The title has now been asked for and confirmed, only needs to be received. Unfortunately we ended our stay in Spain less good : with falling down the stairs in our Casa Rural! It was a beautifull staircase and the falling went very gracefully but still….. It then is hard to have to drive home 2000 km, most certainly when it later shows that the wrist has two fractures. Ah well, we’ll survive…again.

Beginning of september 2017
To a show! In Luxembourge : with all 5, Rubí, Ròsa Ke-sera and Djaya were entered. Rubí and Ròsa hadn’t been showing for 3 ½ years and it was Djaya’s first time. And they were fantástic! Really. Rubí made Best Veteran and won the titles Lux Veteran Ch and Benelux Veteran Winner ’17 Ròsa made Best of Breed and won the titles Luxembourge Ch and Benelux Winner ’17 Djaya made Best Minor Puppy and the judge said she performed excellent for a first time. So all 3 were to show themselves in the Ring of Honour that day.

August 2017
August became special, for ……. Ròsa Ke-sera had a loversdate – her last one All the way to Sweden the journey took us Now it’s hoping fot healthy Schapendoespuppies by the end of October 2017

July 2017
In July we had the 1st-birthday-litterwalk with the È-puppies of Ròsa Ke-sera. Wonderfully good walking-weather, very happy frolicing doggies and a load of nice and happy people. It was wonderfull to see everyone again.

As is a custom with us, we in July and August also visited the D-miracles of our ever-so-special I Besos di Ròsa and the Í-miracles of our Gos-lady Rubí. This meant travelling all over the country > we have driven a total of appr. 1600 km to do so. What we encountered made me very happy : happy families and free-spirited, happy, healthy doggies >> all in the busines of getting new teeth. I am allready looking forward to our “we-are-7-months-old-litterwalk”!
On July 18………..we celebrated our present eldest Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s birthday : she became 11 years old. We spoiled her rotten and as usual danced on ‘her’ song : “Que sera”! She even received a special present, for the day before her birtday she for the 2nd time made great-grandmother : I Besos di Ròsa’s in Finland living brother became father to 6 puppies.

Our own D-miracle Djaya de Besos this month started Puppy-school! : correct, we allways start a little later > first all vacinations ( + in this case our holiday ) and then of to school. Does she like it?………………She lóves it!! End of August she even received her first diploma.

January to june 2017
Here we are again! Haven’t brought you news for quiet a while, so high time to catch op
January – and also the year 2017 – started of with two lovers dates, for the last time for our Gosgirl Rubí and for the first time for our oh-so-special Besos. Then came February, when we celebrated the 7th birthday of the R-litter of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo and thus also of our very own Ròsa Ke-sera – already 7 yeard old, time goes too fast.

Yes….and then….came March and everything had to be put in place for all of a sudden 2 litters very close after eachother : for that we didn’t have all what was needed so we rapidly bought a second birthingbox and special lamp. Just a few days after everything was put in place and ready, the miracles of Rubí presented themselves : her last puppies and at the same time the last puppies of the breed Gos d’Atura Català to be born in our house : beautifull twins > an adorable lad and a girl with lots of temperament.

Only 4 days thereafter it was Besos her turn to for the first time become a mum and she did that ….. as a professional! She made the world richer with 8 beautifull miracles : 3 robust lads and 5 pretty girls.

For all 10 we had more than enough interested families, Extra special these litters also were, because – For Rubí it was her last litter Ánd ….. they were the last Gos d’Atura Català puppies to be born in our house – For I Besos di Ròsa it was her first litter And these miracles also were the first of the sixth generation Cocódotjes!
March, April and the first week of May were filled with helping both mothers, to help raise the miracles > with that the other adult dogs by the way were the best help one could wish for! It once again was a great joy to experience how comfortable they all were with eachother and how they walked in and out the birthboxes.

Also almost daily we had 1 or 2 of the future families/owners visiting us and ofcourse there also was a lot of interest from family and friends. You see there was lots to do. But before we realised it it was time and within a mere 5 days they all left the house. We – as allways – enjoyed these miracles, but it was just as pleasant to be amongst eachother again and making the house ours again, AN EMPTY HOUSE!! Clean and smelling nice again and … só much space > as enjoyable as it was : this felt good too.
For a really long time there was doubt to whether yes or no do it……..but also of this sixth generation Schapendoesjes – Cocódotjes-miracles – one was allowed to stay. In the litter she had the littername ‘Rooie Sien’, in real life her name is Djaya de Besos Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó. We call her Djaya but to be true …..’little devil’ fits her better…..pfff, she is a handfull.

June : time for us to get things going again! So, why not go on a holiday? No sooner said than done : at the same time a good testcase for our now youngest : Djaya…. We had a wonderfull time and on June 14 we there in Spain celebrated the 8th birthday of our Gala’s A-litter an doing so, of our very own Rubí : who now also is a veteran!

Because we hadn’t doen so for a really long time / years : we entered for two shows in Catalunya : in Martorell < we after all haven’t been a member of the ACUCC since 2002 for nothing. We only entered Besos. And my!! That was more than enough : for our very own and oh-so-special little lady, less than 3 months after giving birth to and raising 8 puppies, was fantástic!! On the 1st day this lady was placed nr 2 in Group I and the next day she made nr 3 in Group I. Both judges adored her and even cuddled her, even so that people sitting at the side talked about it. Our very special Besos, that is what she is. She also participated in a Clubshow in Sant Fruitós de Bages…..outside, warm and in the drizzle > a bit of a mess that was, but very cosy and meeting up with old friends again.

My special Besos – and that is what she is – ……..takes after her greatgranddad Hijo more and more by the day > my one-and-only, my machissimo-mio Hijo. It once again shows : her grandmother Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo is rapidly getting old after her daddy Hijo died, and it’s Besos where she seeks and finds her comfort and who looks after her > só touching! Hijo also allways was the comforter in de family.

The last day of June we arrived home again …. more news next time.

Ultrasound 2017.02.08
HIP HIP HURRAY !!!!! The way she behaved, it couldn’t be else, but….. an ultrasound confirmed it Besos and Duuk are to be mum and dad ! We are looking forward to the 6th generation Cocódotjes-miracles midst of March – 2017

Puppies expected midst of March 2017
Mother Multi Ch I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
Father Multi Ch Duuk Lui de Suevia Superiore
Both parents g-PRA free, ECVO completely free
Mother HD-A
We abide by the ( more stringent ) breedingrules of the German Breed Club Interested? Or for info call 0(0-31)33-2535467 Or mail to cocodotjes@hetnet.nl

Puppies expected 1st/2nd week of March
Mother Multi Ch Gala’s Arubí Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó ( Rubí )
Father Catalá de Campdura ( Lou )
Both parents HD-A
Interested? Or for info call 0(0-31)33-2535467 Or mail to cocodotjes@hetnet.nl