
News 2018


december a

– participation only by invitation
– The ‘DOG OF THE YEAR SHOW’ of the Raad van Beheer


december a

December 2018

Decenber…..News……well, that’s a bit hard……
For the only news we in fact have can give you is that the H-miracles are doing very well, growing good and they make themselves present loud and clear, that mama I Besos di Ròsa is a fantástic mum and that my other girls behave extreemly well. I am proud of them.
And also: in a fortnight we will once again be ‘on our own’ again!
Then our H-miracles will be with their new families and mess up life with them.
It’s incredible how fast time passes……  

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the H-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa having a meal

November 2018… already

Oh, what a lovely month this was, a true autumn month, still with nice temperatures and all those leaves that fall and get blown around by the wind: we love it!
Together with the girls we cleaned away those fallen leaves and started the pruning. 

It turned out to be quiet a different month than originally planned.
We had made all kinds of appointments, but due to Besos having a loversdate 2 months earlier than planned, some had to be changed or even canceled.
Just leave it up to the girls to mess things up .

Just for the fun of it, Djaya did one more show in NL: in Bleiwsijk > the little lady even made BOS ( Best Female ), when she then had to compete for BOB ( Best of Breed ) ……she decided to go chase the male, which ofcourse was not what she should do.
But…..because of that it was possible for us to go home timely where our very pregnant Besos was waiting for us. The day thereafter her grandma Ròsa for the first time in NL participated as a Veteran….and was judged to be
“too puppy-like”!! Well…what can one say…. 

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too puppy-like Ròsa”

On November 6 we recieved a nice Email from the Raad van Beheer: with an invitation for Djaya to participate in the “ Dog of the Year 2018-show ” next January!
This because our then 12 months old little devil made nr. 3 in Group I in March 2018.
Really something to be proud of. 

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Djaya de Besos, nr 3 in Group I

On November 08 our old Gos-lady Gala – mum to our Rubí – celebrated her 15th birthday.
Yes, really: 15 years old she is……okay, she is an old lady but still interested and ‘alive and kicking’
Nowadays her coat is kept shorter….makes the combing more pleasant for her.
At this age that’s okay 

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Gala 15 years old

Then our Besos was allowed to stay overnight with friends so her daughter Djaya could participate in a show in Karlsruhe – Germany > also here Djaya won a Championspoint. But it’s a show I won’t soon go to agian >> I didn’t like it at all.

The next day it was the 11th of month 11 and at 11 o’clock we had organized the combined litterwalk for
the C-miracles of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo (8 puppies: 3 live abroad, 2 we don’t talk about anymore,
so 3 for the litterwalk) and the R-miracles of Rubí (6 puppies, also here 3 to join us).
Puppies from both these litters celebrated their 7th birthday this month. We ended up walking with only the 3 Schapendoespuppies because the Gossos couldn’t come due to illness and a tradition (St. Maarten). That meant that our Djaya de Besos had a walk with 3 of her great-uncles: Kees, Dalí and Benji. We had the best wheather one could hope for and the forest was só beautifull with all those autumn colours. Ofcourse the walk was ‘finished of’ with a cosy and delicious lunch. 

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Djaya de Besos with her great-uncles Dalí, Benji and Kees

But then it became time to start preparing the area in the livingroom where we were to build up the birthing-box.
It’s better to have that doen timely so the girls have time to get used to it > the ladies immediately went in all together to try it out.
On November 12 we were at the University in Utrecht for a 2nd ultrasound >> all is looking great. 

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birthing area adjusted

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the girls trying out the birthing-box

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ultrasound nr 2 

And then Besos in a weekend, during the day was to stay with a really loving ‘babysit’, so her daughter Djaya together with Rubí and supporter Ròsa, could go to a double show in Kortrijk – Belgium. How did the girls do there? The girls did súper!!!! The first day Djaya was Best of Breed ( BOB ) and Rubí was BOB Veteran > both received The Eurocup-trofee : a trofee all my dogs have!
The second day Djaya once again was BOB and Rubí not only was BOB Veteran but also BOB! Djaya also won the Benelux Winner BE ’18-title and Rubí the same as Veteran > for her now can be asked for the Benelux Veteran Champion title. The Belgian Veteran Champion-title has even been sent to us already! 

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my 3 couchpotatoes in Kortrijk

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and their trofees

Already in May I had also enterd all 4 the girls for a special showing in Malaga – Spain on 11.24 : there one could win an extra obligatory point for Spain and Djaya could use that, at the same time Ròsa could fullfill for Spanish Veteran Ch, Besos could try to win an extra International point in Spain and Rubí could show herself with and to her Spanish breed as a beautifull an fit veteran
But…..unfortunately, due to the messing op our calender by Besos, we have had to let the Malaga organisation know that we would not able to be present. They found that to be very sorry but completely understandable 

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the home-staying four

On 11.19 we payed a quick visit to the Vet to have him see and cuddle Besos and Besos him – you never know whether you might need his assistance during the coming birth and then it’s better when they have recently seen eachother.

And then, before you know it…..it’s time! Sometimes without any notice at all it starts of. Did Besos take no more then 4 hours with the birth of her first litter of 8….this time she took her time and had long breaks in between. Did the birthing start on 11.20, she wasn’t done untill on 11.21 at the end of the morning. Once again she made the world a better place with 8 Cocódotjes-miracles. This time 3 pretty girls and 5 handsome lads. The next day the Vet assured us that all was okay. So now it’s time to enjoy.
We are so priviliged to have more than enough families wanting to have a miracle of ours, it stays hard to have to disappoint some families. The owners of daddy Baloo, like we are, are very happy with this beuatifull litter.

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the H-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa & Baloo

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mum and octuplets

Besos her sister Saar ( Iduña di Ròsa ) – being a proud aunt – sent this sweet card.

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card from aunt Saar

That’s it for November


Born! New Cocódotjes-miracles!!!

I, the owner /breeder, and
Grandmother Ròsa Ke-sera
Mama I Besos di Ròsa,
Halfsister Djaya de Besos
and the “aunties” Gala & Rubí
announce the birth of 8 new Cocódotjes-miracles!!!!!

On Tuesday and Wednesday November 20 + 21 – 2018
were born 8 Cocódotjes-miracles: our H-litter
mum = I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
dad = Chêne Collines hudson de Hijo 

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Besos di Ròsa and her 8 H-miracles

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H-litter of Besos di Ròsa

We have 3 pretty girls and 5 handsome boys.
In principle we have families for all puppies.

For information and
call 0(0-31)33-2535467
or mail us info@hoefflaeckens-coco.nl 


It won’t be long now before Besos will make the world happier with new Cocódotjes-miracles.
The 2nd ultra-sound on 11.12 showed all to be well.
Now fingers crossed that it won’t be too hard on Besos.


October 2018

First and for all : for us that was continuing our holiday n Spain!
With the most desirable wheather one can ask for : lots of sun, 32C and a lovely breeze.
We enjoyed it.

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What we did do while there : a show > for Djaya’s first point for Spain but also her first obligatory point she needs
(of 2) in Spain >> cherry on the cake was that the little lady of the 3 present ones made BOB (Best of Breed).
Very proud we went home again.

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Djaya’s trofees

Also because of the young pregnancy of I Besos di Ròsa, this to us was to be a reasonably calm month. To our luck it also here gave the most wonderfull October-wheather thinkable, so we spent a lot of time outdoors and messing around in the garden, How lovely autumn is….

We were back just in time to on 10.21 celebrate the 1st birthay of the E-miracles of Ròsa Ke-sera: ofcourse as is a custom with us with a nice birthday-walk. Of the 10 miracles, 6 were present (1 female lives too far away, 1 female was in heat, 1 male not there due to family-circumstances and 1 male’s family was on holiday). The wheathergods were really good to us for we had the most desirable autumn-wheather one can ask for. It was a very pleasant walk with doggies that got along real good – except for an occasional grumbling of some of the males.
We closed of with a tasty lunch outside on the terrace!

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Birthday-walk E-miracles

10.23 is a very special day for us – and it will always be! Cocódotjes-day……..
The day of birth of our ‘majesty’ Cocó as wel as of our oh-so special one-and-only Hijo.
Even now that they are no longer amongst us, we keep on loving them and we miss them.



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But then….came 10.24! The day for I Besos di Ròsa her 1st ultra-sound! Not that we needed the pregnancy to be confirmed to us…..for, her being pregnant was more than clear to us: thirsty, not wanting to eat and ever-so-cudly!
The ultra-sound confirmed what we knew:


Touching foto of an ultra-sound

As a fitting closure to this month, we took of for final time this year to our so beloved Spain where Djaya also was to try and win her last ( 6th ) needed Catalonian point for the Catalonian Junior-title > she went in and charmed them all and was successfull! The little lady turned it into a real party by making BOB and in the Ring of Honour she even made nr 3 in Group I!! That’s called ‘in the footsteps of her mum’!

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Djaya nr 3 in Group I

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The girls their trofees

Once home, we immediately sent all the paperwork in and applied for the title. Once homologated – just like with the Adult title for her mum I Besos di Ròsa – there will the official presentation during a special happening next year.
More about that when the time is there.

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And so…..October was done with


Isn’t this just wonderfull?
Confirmation of Cocódotjes-miracles in process of…
Now about 1.9 cm big and with a heartbeat of 240.
Expected appr. 23.11

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Puppies expected midst of…

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Mother Multi Ch I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
Father Chêne Colline’s Hudson de Hijo
Both parents HD-A, g-PRA free, ECVO completely free
Mother HD-A

We abide by the (more stringent) breedingrules of the German Breed Club
Interested? For info call 0(0-31)33-2535467 or 0(0-31-)6-22458837
Or mail to info@hoefflaeckens-coco.nl

September 2018

To start of the month correctly…..
our Djaya had 2 shows in Bremen – Germany
On the 1st still as a Junior > to try and win a second Junior-Clubpoint and on the 2nd as a ‘big girl’ in Intermedate Class. And ofcourse : shé was the one competing with competition!
Ah well, one can’t do more than their best….so off we go!
Day 1 she presented really well and did not only win her class and that oh-so desired Clubpoint, she also made
BOB-J = Best Junior and BOS = Best Female And the judge said she had been ‘very well presented’ > so a compliment for me too! > and a late finish of the day for she was to show in the Ring of Honour.
Day 2, exciting because she now had to behave as a big girl – can you imagen? Our little devil Djaya???
But, no worry, she was good! She even made BOB = Best of Breed!
And once again her judges-report said ‘excellent in all perspectives’ ……if that doesn’t make you proud! But: it also meant another late finish of the day for another showing in the Ring of Honour.
The next day I immediately applied for both titles: German Junior Ch and German Junior Ch Club

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little devil + young champion Djaya de Besos

For now a small brake in showing, other plans for this month

To start of on 09.05 a walk with our Ròsa’s brother
Kalou (= Rafa Ke-sera Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó) and his owners: hadn’t seen them for quiet a while and we finally managed to find a date that fitted us all. That is to say…that was the planning! For, over here it pored – só much that the gutters couldn’t manage –, there also was thunder and lightning and not much later……the fronthall was flooded!
So ….they walked by tehmselves and I layter left the house to the repareman and met them for lunch.
Was very nice and Kalou…..has turned into a wonderfull male.

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Kalou, all alone on the bench

But there also was a party! On the 09.13 Besos di Ròsa and her siblings celebrated birthday nr, 5

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Besos di Ròsa now 5 years old

There was another and even pleasant walk! This time on 09.16 with our Rubí and two of her sons: Pablo (Rubí’s Ugoya) and Alf (Rubí’s Bé-Petó). Very nice in the Soesterduinen and with a – after a number of corrections – delicious and cosy lunch on a terrace.

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Rubí and sons

And then, just when you are looking forward to some quiet weekends before we should be going on holiday, then…..yes ‘should be going’, just leave it to the girls to mess things up : for our ever-so-special Besos decided that she sooner than was to be expected wanted to go on a lovers date!
That meant starting up the test at the University of Utrecht, informing the owners of het ‘lover-to-be’, rent a cottage and then travel there on the right moment! Besos had her loversdate and now we have to wait and see whether there will be new miracles’.
This rainbow that joined us on the way there, might bring luck…..

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a rainbow – on the way to Besos’ lover – might bring luck….

This all meant a change in our holiday plans! After coming back and taking care of all the formalities concerning the before mentioned and a day just to relax……we 1 week later than was planned, finally left to enjoy a wonderfull holiday.

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the girls want to do some sunbathing….

Djaya there won her 5th Catalonian Junior-point and we enjoyed some exquisite good wheather “looked liked summer! During our holiday Alf’s owners happened to be ‘in the neighbourhood’ and we together enjoyed a heavenly lunch in one of our favourites : Can Pollo

August 2018

On August 09 we were phoned by the owner of our Lucky (Achille Lucky Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó) that he that night had passed away : he was almost 15 Now he’s with his mama Cocó, brother Archimède Hijo and cousin
Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo From there they keep an eye on our doings……

Pffffff…..if you ask me we should start calling The Netherlands, Los Países Bajos…..
My, súch ridiculous temperatures
And how wonderfull when it cooled down a bit – a true relief 

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But even though it was hot – long live the car-airco – our showdates were waiting for us….
We started of in Giessen – Germany.
We were there 1 x before > in 2006 our Hijo there won his last point for the German title!
This time Djaya was entered and yes : she once again had lots of competition, but our little one did well and after first winning her class she made BOS ( Best Bitch ) 

But then! This year the World Dog Show was in The Netherlands.
You then ofcourse have to be present. But due to …..you name it…… instead of entering all 4 as I would usually do – I only entered Djaya…..The day before was the Benelux Winner Show NL 2018, and for the same reason also here only Djaya was entered
Our little devil was the one to be sacrified……
All our acquaintances I in advance had informed : no matter how many Junior Bitches were entered > she would be the last one…..and we may hópe for her to after judging get an Excellent Thursday the 9th we started with the Benelux Winner Show NL 2018 : 6 Junior Bitches entered, Djaya showed as nr 4 in the row, then on 10.08 came the World Dog Show 2018 : 7 Junior Bitches entered and Djaya was nr 5 in the row. Both days all were present.
Let’s just say that both days had exceptional judging with mostly surprising cq. astonishing results On both days our little devil to our relief was awarded an Excellent and on both days was placed nr. 4 in her Class……..pfff!!!.
It is a bit disapointing that not for every partcipating dog there was a token of the show ….
Here first a foto of the two-of-us waiting for our turn to be judged….and on the second > oh what a surprise : on that official foto after placing I was efficiently ‘cut off….!
That says ist all, doesn’t it……. 

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Djaya waiting to be judged at the WDS

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after placing and without Djaya’s owner…

In fact way more important and at least as stringent : as our ever so precious Besos end of this year may be be allowed to once more ‘make miracles’…..she on 13.08 had an appointment at the eye-specialist in Germany : we go there because they may be more expensive, they are só sweet with my girls. To our great relieve she once again was declared ‘free of all eye deseases’! Só happy. The future dad has also already been in and …..with the same good result. 

Not at all exciting, but ever so necessary : it once again was time for the ladies’ annual check-up and vaccinations > all well, also all with correct weights and once again protected for another year.

On August 20 we (being : me, Rubí and Djaya) had another pleasant walk with Rubí’s son
Alf (Rubí’s Bé-Petó) and his owners, once again in the Soesterduinen and ‘finished of’ with a delicious and above all enjoyable lunch.

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3 rascals : Rubí, Djaya and Alf 

Last but not least for August : Djaya in Mechelen – Belgium won her 1st Belgian Adult point + an International point > she also was BOS ( Best Female ) She could have won BOB…she should have won BOB ….. ( it was even noted on her paperwork! ) but instead of walking also the last round as is to be expected……..she decided to go chase after the male! Really! A true little devil.

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Djaya won her 1st Belgian point

July 2018

July……..for most people in the Netherlands the holiday-month…
Well. no-one is to complain for what an extraordinary warmth there was
As every day of the year is holiday for us, we go on doing what we ususally do! 

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it’s always holiday for us

We started the month – on the 1st – with a show in Hannover – Germany : where our Djaya was to for the first time participate in a ‘class-for-adult-doggies’- the Intermediate Class! As you understand : very exciting, especially with the competition. But our little girl made us as proud as a peacock by not only winning her Class……but also immediately making BOS ( Best Female )
By doing so she won her 1st two German points and her 1st International point
She also became Annual trophy Winner 2018
Our little starlett….. 

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Djaya – our little starlett

The day thereafter we received a mail from the Raad van Beheer > last week you see we had Djaya’s HD-foto’s taken and they had been evaluated > the result is HD-A > YES!!
6 generations after each other : só happy with this 

And as if that isn’t enoigh to start of the month wwith……
the next day the postman finally delivered
Djaya’ Junior Champion-diploma of Spain

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Djaya – Spanish Junior Ch

Now don’t tell me the month didn’t start of super!!

One week later….the postman was at the door with Rubí Spanish Veteran Champion title!
It has been said that our Rubí – born between the Schapendoezen with us in The Netherlands
– is the first Gos d’Atura Català who has received this title! Isn’t that nice?! 

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Rubí – the 1st Gos to become Spanish Veteran Ch?

On July 11 Ròsa Ke-sera’s È-miracles celebrated birthday nr 2 : time flies…….
No recent foto of the whole pack available……. 

Yes,and then…..we had to make a ‘quick trip’ to Spain! With all my dogs I try to obtain the Catalonian Champion title : so also with Besos.
For that you need to win 6 points in 1 year. Last year she had 5 …when her mama Ròsa decided that – earlier than expected – it was her time to get ready for her last miracles and so ….. it no longer was possible to try and win point nr 6. This year she deserved a follow up. She this year again had obtained 5 points once again, 1 to go. Did she do it? SÍ!! She has her 6 points and I can send in the paperwork asking for the title > once that has been checked the title will be officially handed over. Out little crumb Besos decided to finish of het Catalonian adventure with a 3rd place in Group I
Isn’t that a wonderfull closure! 

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Besos – closure of a Catalan adventure

‘Just for fun’ our Rubí participated with the Gossos as a Veteran
(there is no Catalonian Veteran title)
And Djaya obtained her 4th point for the Junior title > 2 to go 

Our youngest Gos Rubí in Liege – Belgium scored her third Belgian Veteranpoint and by doing so fulfilled the requirements for the Belgian Veteran title. She also was BOB-Veteran + BOB!
So…..this little lady now also is Veteran Champion Belgium, Isn’t that great?! 

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Rubí – súch a pretty girl

June 2018

And then, before you know it, it’s June……..time just slips away.
A new month with lots to do. 

But also a month that made us truely sad……….due to loosing our princess Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo > she now is together again with her so beloved daddy Hijo and her grandma Cocó She and her foto have joined Hijo and Cocó on our paino A goodbye-text is to be found at the bottom of her own page on our site Rubí’s birthday however will never be the same again. 

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our princess Ke-sera de Coó’s Hijo

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now 3 on the piano


she and her foto

But life indeed goes on….however tough that may be…..

The month started of with a show in Neumünster – Germany > we had entered Djaya and Rubí. It was Djaya’s chance to finish for German Junior Champion and……she did The judge was só full of her that he wanted to take her home…I asked him what then was to become of her great-grandma, her grandma, her mama and me! Because even though she is a true rascal, we would miss her > the Ring-staff then said that in that case we would also need to come along! Rubí participated trying to win her 1st point for the German Veteran title and managed to charme the judge zo much that she next to BOB Veteran…..made BOB ( Best of Breed )! Both of them received very praising reports…..so praising : worth to be framed! 

This month we also needed to pay an important visit to our in January rehomed Gos – a son to Rubí: Rubí’s Agoya = Pablo. His new owners were stunned to see how happy Pablo was to see me again, but to us that is something normal – we are good to and loving with our little ones! Pablo is happy to have found a good and loving home with his new family. I am thankfull to his former owner as well as to his new owners : the first one for giving Pablo back to me when it wasn’t working any more and his new owners for willing to be his new family. Pablo had a great time running around the garden with his mama Rubí and will now be signed over to them. I am happy things worked out this well for him. 

While we were there, Djaya and Hniña had stayed home alone and together for the first time : oh-oh > would that go well? But sure enough: both girls had behaved properly and nothing had been demolished or anything like that.



Pablo with his mama Rubí

But then!! Yes then it was time….for the Litter-evaluations and/or Inventarisations of our last Schapendoes-litters, in Germany as is a custom with us. After with the help of the owners of some of the older puppies building up the tentS – yes : tentS, for this time we were to be with a very lot of people! – we with them and a few of the ‘early birds’ of the new puppy-owners spent a cosy and calm evening.

On Saturday it was the Clubmatch, we this time for special reasons did not participate. The day started of with the parade of the males in which 2 of our males participated : Il Divo di Ròsa = Oscar ( brother to our Besos ) and Midado di Ròsa = Beer. It’s always nice to see all those males. During the Clubmatch Besos her brother Il Divo di Ròsa = Oscar had the heavy burden of keeping up high the family-honour > Oscar did very well, received a promising report and an Excellent.

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Oscar kept up high the family-honour

That evening we had our traditional Cocódotjes-family-dinner. We always are with quiet a lot of people : this time in numbers we succeeded all former dinners > the hotel for us had made a reservation for all the tables on the terrace > we were with over 40 persons of whom many had taken their miracle along and all miracles behaved perfectly : worthy to be a Cocódotje. It was also nice to be joined by one of the daddy-owners and his breeder. Só nice they all stay interested. The ‘oldies’ as well as the ‘newcomers’ experienced the evening as very pleasant. Good : that’s what we do it for, we want to keep the family-bond alive and get stronger.

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the Cocódotjes-family-dinner

After that we could only hope that everyone would get a good night’s rest : after such a lovely but impressive evening and with the tension for the coming day during which the puppies of our last litters would be evaluated. Need we be worried? Not really : they all are free, happy and healthy and that in fact is most important. But never the less…. Sunday morning popped up : the weather was fine, not too warm and no rain, I the former day had already collected and checked all the paperwork for all the puppies so I could hand them out quickly, after which they all needed to be weighed and measured. To get that done I get weighed first and then with each of the puppies > much better than having them weighed seperaty with all their owners. And then of course….came the usual remark….’that they weren’t the smallest..’… NO, we don’t want mini-Schapendoezen but real ones with a good set of legs under their bodies!

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getting weighed and measured

Then graduately…..tension raised…..for the evaluations etc The organisation had done a wonderfull job for us : they all were to be evaluated directly after each other and they gave me all the time to change the mothers and – with our D-litter – also have our own miracle join us. A sincere thank you to the organisation. First to go in was the – ultimately – only present one of Ròsa’s È-litter + mama Ròsa > a beautifull evaluation and Inventarisation.

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Straight after that Besos her D-miracles were to show how well they turned out to be > here daddy Duuk as well as mama Besos were present with 6 out of 8 puppies. Once again a praising evaluation and all received Inventarisations ‘finger-licking-good’! Wonderfull.

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As last ones of the family our merely 7½ months old E-miracles of Ròsa entered the ring with mama Ròsa. All of them adorable ‘bouncy-bouncies’: as they should be. But all of them had no problems with being touched all over and also showed their excellent movement. The judge was very praising about ths litter, presented me a beautifull litter-evaluation and even had us walk an extra round through the ring for the public.

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Peggy – the owner of our Ravi Ke-sera = Mientje – was so sweet to quickly go make copies of all the Evaluations and Inventarisations so I could give all owners the originals to take home with them. But …….first of all I took a moment to read it all myself after which I informed and explained to all in the group what the judge had to say about each puppy. We all have every right to be happy and proud! I most of all!

Then most of them took of to go home again and the ones that were to stay a little longer helped taking down the tents and putting them in the car. Thanks very much to all for helping. To finish of the weekend, we with appr. 10 stay-overs spent a quiet evening on the terrace and ….. partly inside due to …. football! And then it was over again………

On June 23 our Gos d’Atura Català Rubí for the first time in The Netherlands showed as a Veteran > she not only made BOB Veteran but also BOB ( Best of Breed ) : the lady once again was to show in the Ring of Honour twice. And how do you think the speaker/judge announced us as we as nr. 1 of the Veteran Group entered the Ring of Honour??? ……..Schapendoes!! I couldn’t believe it. So totally perplexed I held still in the midst of the Ring!

As a closure to this month we went to Genk – Belgium : Rubí for the 2nd time in Belgium as a Veteran and Djaya for the first time ‘in an adult Class’ > Intermediate Class : a first time is always scary. How well did the girls do? Djaya came no further than Reserve > something we had already taken into account due to circumstances. Rubí once again made BOB Veteran and BOB > TOP!

We end this month’s report with showing a foto of ….the new 4 Now it’s only Rubí, Ròsa Ke-sera,
I Besos di Ròsa and Djaya de Besos …..so different.

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the new 4


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has left us……………………..
she once again is with her so beloved daddy Hijo and her grandma Cocó
forgetting her…..we never will……….

May 2018

It’s May!! And…lovely wheather > oh, are we ready for that!
This meant more good and wonderfull walks and fixing up the garden.
Of course every now and then there was a show.

With Rubí, I Besos di Ròsa, Djaya and Rubi’s daughter Racha + owner we were in Monaco. A very nice trip it was. Besos and Racha both needed a second point and came to try and win that, both Rubí and Djaya could ‘lift along’ because they – being an oldie and a young one – only needed 1 point. The Gos-ladies were first to show in the ring and … both did what needed to be done. Then is was waiting and waiting until it was time for The Schapendoezen to appear in the ring, also due to the competition success wasn’t guaranteed here, but…..here the results:
Rubí : Monaco Veteran Champion + BOB Veteran + BOB ( Best of Breed )
Racha : Monaco Champion
Besos : Monaco Champion + BOB
Djaya : Monaco Junior Champion + BOB Junior
Going to a show with 4 doggies and coming home with 4 winners! And all 4 born in our house!
Só proud………

foto 12

Rubí, Besos and Djaya



Then for the frst time in years it was on the road to Dortmund- Germany, this time I Besos di Ròsa and Djaya participated : Djaya on both days and her mum on day 2 ….my mistake > I really meant to enter her for day 1!! And they once again performed very well. Our little devil Djaya the first day made BOB Junior + BOS ( Best Female ), on day 2 she again made BOB Junior, her mum Besos then made BOS ( Best Female ). A successfull weekend it was.

I Besos di Ròsa en dochter Djaya de Besos

I Besos di Ròsa and daughter Djaya de Besos

But the…..oh, I had been looking forward to it só much….we had the “we-are-7-months-old”-litterwalk with the E-miracles of our Ròsa Ke-sera, her last puppies. From the 10, 8 were present : 1 lives in Switzerland so a bit too much to ask of them and the family of our Blue Boy Balu also couldn’t come due to very sad circumstances, we wish them strength dealing with their great loss…. But the walk with the other 8 and their new families was wonderfull. From our side our little devil Djaya came along : she said hello to all of them but after that wasn’t to be seen more then a foot away from me : my girl …..I think it’s time to stop calling her our little devil….. It was a wonderfull walk with free-spirited, happy and well taken care of doggies : thank you all!

foto 15
foto 16

he adorable E-miracles

April 2018

And then….it’s April again. Another month full of activities.

To start with a few less good ones.
Our Gos-lady Rubí had to undergo surgery …. it turned out te be more complicated than expected Then as a huge shock … our old lady Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo in no more thn a few days developed several bumps on her belly….breastcancer! So immediately she was also operated on! It lookslike we were in time with both girls.

foto 7


foto 8

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo

But we also had fun-time, no worry For one: our little devil making Luxembourge Junior Champion 

Djaya de Besos Luxemburgs Jeugdkampioen

Djaya de Besos Luxembourge Junior Champion

And we had a combined litter-walk with some of the puppies from our R- and D-litters.
A truely wonderfull walk with only happy people and adorable rascals in the ages 8 and 1.

gecombineerde R-en D-nestwandeling

a combined R- and D-litterwalk

Then there was a quick trip to Spain again, yes a quick one but no less enjoyable. While Rubí was staying over, 3 of the 4 Doezen-ladies participated in the Madrid Dogshow Ròsa Ke-sera fort the first time as a Veteran and she won her first and obligatory Veteran point I Besos the Ròsa alo won an obligatory point – fo Spanish Super Champion. And our little devil Djaya de Besos also won her last and obligatory point for Spansh Junior Champion. Being her 4th Junior title. The little rascal also made BOB ‘bacause she has so much spirit”….if that judge only half knew how much… 

de 3 sterretjes...

3 stars

And that was it for April……

March 2018

You know the saying “time flies, when you are having fun”?
Well we had fun! Read we all did.

Not only did we go on with our “we-are-4-months-old”-visits to Ròsa Ke-sera last puppies – who all found loving homes and families who are hapyy with them. It was wonderfull to see them all again, especially being so happy.

Beginning of the month I Besos di Ròsa had the chance to show her best in a show in Offenburg – Germany > not only did the little lady make BOS ( Best Female ) she now also is German Club Champion! Hurrah!!

I Besos di Ròsa = Duits Klub Kampioen

Besos di Ròsa = German Club Champion

We also had a short but comfortable holiday in Spain.

de dames hebben vacantie

the 5 ladies are on holiday

Being there, we also entered for a show and now……our Rubí also is Spanish Veteran Champion – how great that is! The youngest of our Gos-ladies.


Rubí now is Spanish Veteran Champion

And our little devil Dyaya de Besos…. she and her littermates turned 1 on March 12.

de 8 D-wondertjes

de 8 D-miracles

Djaya de Besos – 1 jaar

Djaya de Besos 1 year old

That same little devil….finished for Begian Junior Champion! Her 1st title But……that wasn’t all! On March 31 this little lady participated in a show in Goes – NL After making BOB-Junior + BOB ( Best of Breed ) and at the same time becoming Durch Junior Champion, she was allowed to show in the Ring of Honour : 2 x! There she did the almost impossible for a Schapendoes – especially being only 12 months old >>>> she was nr 3 in Group I Adults and nr 1 in Group 1 Juniors!!! Another apple not falling far from the tree???

Djaya de Besos

Djaya de Besos 

February 2018

Before you know it, it’s February. We started on the 1st with the birthday of our Ròsa Ke-sera and her 9 siblings: these ten turned 8 and doing so reached being “Veterans”! Sad to tell the litterwalk had to be cancelled and postponed due to the weather circumstances in combination with the km some owners had to drive : but, safety first!

Ròsa Ke-sera 8 jaar

Ròsa Ke-sera 8 yers old

On February 2nd our Djaya de Besos was to show herself again : this time in Eindhoven – NL Judge mrs R. Lochs. We went there hoping for a 2nd Junior point. And what did the little lady do? She not only made Best Junior, but also Best Female and then….Best of Breed!! And as a cherry on the cake ..she made nr 10 in Group I! Wwooww!!

Djaya de Besos

Djaya de Besos also the Best in Eindhoven

And now you are in the belief that our Djaya is an oh-so-sweet puppy and a little showgirl On the contrary I can assure you!!!! Going home I first had to buy us a parking ticket ( € 17,50!!! ), I put it on the passenger seat….wanted to pick it up again and…..found Djaya eating it on the backseat…..HELP!!!!….Just payed € 17,50 …… That’s also our Djaya…..

Because Rubí’s B-miracles on 01.30 celebrated their 2nd birthday, we on 02.11 had a wonderfull Litterwalk followed by a nice lunch and lots to talk about.

de B-wondertjes van Rubí – 2 jaar

Rubí’s B-miracles – 2 years old

The weekend thereafter our little crumb participated in 2 shows in Gent – Belgium > she 2 x made BOB Junior + 2 x BOS and …..we can now ask for her 1st title : Belgian Junior Champion! Our new starlet…..

Djaya de Besos

jaya de Besos – getting ready to show 

Finally at the end of the month – on the 25th – we had a birthday-litterwalk with – due to the flue, severe illness or other birthday celebrations – only a few of the M-miracles of our Ròsa Ke-sera > already 3 years old! A wonderfull but FREEZING COLD walk.

enkele M-wondertjes van Ròsa Ke-sera – 3 jaar

a few of Ròsa Ke-sera’s M-miracles – 3 years old

January 2018

After a quiet but pleasant New Year’s Eve – during which my girls took absolutely no notice of the local fireworks violence….. we started the new year on January 6 with the 1st show for our Djaya de Besos in Belgium. We went for the Youth Point for the Belgian youth title. But this young lady felt that she should follow her mother’s and grandmother’s example…..and become BEST OF BREED at the tender age of barely 9 months. See here a somewhat stunned Djaya with her 1st Belgian show trophy……

een verbijsterde Djaya de Besos

a stunned Djaya de Besos

Two weeks later her mama I Besos di Ròsa and ‘aunt’ Rubí had obligations at a double show in Catalonia – Spain and she was also allowed to participate – as training. Day 1 she beat her mom and the lady became Best of Breed again and …. immediately also became nr 4 in Group I!

Djaya de Besos was de Beste

Djaya de Besos was the Best

Day 2 put mom’s hair back in place and it became her! Aunt Rubí stole the show at the Gossen on day 1 : she became Best Veteran and Best Bitch. After a wonderful short holiday back home to share this great news with a limited group.

nieuwjaarswens 2018