
News 2019

Looking back on 2019

december a

2019……in more than one way was a fantastic year.
In the showing-area we started of with the honourable participation in the Dog of the Year 2018 show : our still so very young Djaya de Besos had been invited to it. 
Participation is exclusively reserved to those dogs that have ended up in the Ring of Honour on the podium + have been entered into the Dutch Pedigree-system + are Dutch owned and live in The Netherlands.
‘Cherry on the cake’ was Djaya in the Dog of the Year 2018 making Winner Reserve Dutch Breeds. 

According to the 2018 statistics in Dogazine, Djaya also was the Best Schapendoes in the Benelux and over 2018 in the Benelux made place 8 in Group I. 
And our Rubí was the Best Gos d’Atura Català in the Benelux. 
Exceptionally proud and gratefull that doggies like mine are to be mine…. 

Soon thereafter the H-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa the one after the other left the nest…..all but one
The ‘family’ had decided that Hniña de Besos was allowed to stay…..our little monster! 
Must be due to her red litter-ribbon, just like her halfsister Djaya de Besos …our ‘little devil’ …wore 

At the moment mama I Besos di Ròsa is still recovering from having her 8 puppies : just like the first time this wil take her appr. 1 ½ year. 
For that reason the immediately made decision that she had contributed enough to the Schapendoesfiles and was granted an ‘early retirement’ – even though she had just turned 5 when having her second litter. 
And yes: there was a lot of comment ofcourse, for this as they say…….is nonsense……. 

All through the year we as is usual with us, have been enjoying our Birthday-/Literwalks. 
Sometimes we combined 2 litters > but that also went fine : all our doggies – Does and Gos – get along perfectly.

For a brother to our Djaya we by the owners were asked to find him a new family. He now has a loving family with an 1 ½ year older ‘auntie’ of his. Beginning of the coming year we will pay them a final visit to check whether all really is well and if so, he then can be signed over to them.
All is well that ends well, isn’t it?! 

Djaya de Besos this year successfully completed her last shows to become Champion in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourge, Germany, Spain and Catalunya. 
She also made Benelux Winner Lux ’19, VDH Europa Sieger ’19 and Bundes Sieger ’19, 
Annual Trofee Winner ’19 and Latin Winner (Madrid) ’19. 

Hniña de Besos this year started of her showcareer, first getting a sniff just being there as a Baby, then participating in Spain as a Puppy and after that she had to show what she is worth..Well : can’t complain! Also this little lady carries on the family tradition and achieves success after success, mostly makes BOB Junior and then BOS ( Best female ) or BOB ( Best of Breed ). She managed to achieve Junior titles in The Netherlands, Luxembourge, Germany and Spain. A little work is to be done in Belgium. She also made Benelux Junior Winner Lux ’19 and Bundes Jugendsieger ’19.
In Malaga – Spain she even made Junior as well as Adult Malaga Winner ’19 and the same for Sun Coast Winner ’19. 

Both our Veteran ladies – the Schapendoes Ròsa Ke-sera and the Gos d’Atura Català Rubí – in several countries finished for their Veteran titles. Both were even crowned Best Veteran of Group > very funny it is that the Schapendoes did so in Spain and the Gos did so in The Netherlands. 
Very striking is that both in spite of their advanced age and competition of younger ones, several times even made
BOB ( Best of Breed ?)

Very often it happened that when I wherever it may be entered the ring with one of my girls, the judge said 
“oh madam, she is beautifull”!……

We did a lot of traveling and made pleasant visits to old friends, it was very enjoyable. 
We only hope our friends will finaly stop – well meant – asking us to slow down….we love traveling, visisting other countries and will not have anything or anyone stop us doing so. 

Last of al…we are extreemly looking forward to 2020.01.12 > this time our Gos d’Atura Català Rubí 
(Gala’s Arubí Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó) has been invited to the Dog of the Year 2019 show!
It already being an honour to be allowed to participate…..this invitation is extra special for us as Rubí……
is our last Gos……Then being allowed to present her there is tremendous. 

We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2020

December 2019

The month started of on the first of December with First Advent.
And an super sweet Email from the owner of a daughter – in the meantime also 11 years old – to our Hijo >
Mercedes de Hijo = Lilly, thanking us “for the wonderfull female who only brings them joy”…… 
If that doesn’t make one happy?! 

december 1

Hijo’s daughter Mercedes de Hijo = Lilly

That same day we had the combined 8th Birtday-/Litterwalk with puppies from Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s C-litter and Rubí’s R-litter : these puppies differ 3 weeks. Out of the C-litter many puppies live in far away abroad so only 2 were present and out of Rubí’s R-litter 1 lives in Dubai and 1 drowned at a young age, still we had 3 puppies. We added mama Rubí and our youngest 12-months old Schapendoes Hniña > 7 adorable doggies, friendly and happy owners and beautiful wheather – even though it was quiet foggy. As usual rounded of with a tasty lunch. Thank you “Family Pip” for the treats during the break and thanks to the owner of Rico for the home-made doggytreats at the end.

december 2

we got them on the bench again

On December 07 we went to Kassel – Germany for a hopefully final attempt for Hniña’s last point for the German Junior title. And she did it! Our little lady was granted an Exc1 and even made BOS (Best Female). The breed-judge found her to be “a very femine over all appearance ‘.

december 3

Hniña de Besos now also German Junior Champion

Sadly a second attempt for the first Birthday-/Litterwalk on December 08 with the H-miracles of our I Besos di Ròsa also was to be changed > another attempt in the new year.
Don’t they say ‘third time lucky’??

On December 15 we travelled to Brussels – Belgium where Hniña was to try and obtain a second point for the
Junior title. Is that what she did? Let me answer to that with the words of another exibitor ( another breed ofcourse ) :
And that is what she did : it started of with Exc1 , BEST Junior, Belgian Junior Winner ’19, then she made BOS
( Best Female ) and then…..the BOB ( Best of Breed )!!!!!!!Só happy!
In the Ring of Honour she by then was really done with it all and just wanted to ….go home!!
Together wit the owner of a Pon ( made Belgian Ch ) we celebrated our results.

december 4

celebrating our success

december 5

Hniña “The Winner’ with her trofees

Then came the last show of the year > this time a combined Winner- and Christmas-show on December 22 in Gorinchem – NL : entered our young ones Djaya de Besos and Hniña de Besos. 
The last time we went to the NL Winner was 5 years ago in 2014 > then with the mama to both ladies –
I Besos di Ròsa. 
She then was13 months old and made NL Junior Winner ’14 as well as NL Winner ’14! 
So the young ones had a lot to look up to, even more as 21 Schapendoezen were entered and present, both also had competition in their Class.
But …..breed-judge Desmedt granted Hniña NL Junior Winner ’19 + BOB(est) Junior and her big sister Djaya was granted NL Winner ’19 + BOS ( Best Female ). Mission accomplished I would say
 Helping us show for CAC females was a very capable and kind owner of beautiful Bouviers : thank you só much for being willing to help us out.
And congratulations? Out of all those 21 participants and many VNS-members/visitors : 1…..a moment later 1 more VNS-member….too sad for words.
The truely-meant congratulations of all those ‘other-breed’ owners made my day again…. 

december 6

NL Winster ’19 and NL Junior Winster ’19 trofees

december 7

he Winners with their proud owner/breeder

december 8

the Winners with proud mama Besos

November 2019


This month there hasn’t been a free day without garden-work : pruning, cleaning away fallen leaves, planting tulipbulbs, putting away the garden furniture and securing potted plants from bad wheather I love doing it and my girls watch all my activities with admiration.

For the rest, the month started of on 11.02 with the 7th birthday of our oh-so-special Hijo’s last miracles: an H-litter and all live in Sweden. 
Congratulations Haddock + Hazel + Hera + Hermosa + Heroé + Hija + Homerus + Hortencia + Hudson……all names end with ‘de Hijo’! 

de H-wondertjes van onze Hijo al weer 7 jaar

our Hijo’s H-miracles already 7 years old

On that same day our little monster Hniña in a show in Bleiswijk – NL was to try and win her 3rd.
Junior point for the Dutch Junior title > and she was successful! She made BOB-Junior + Res-BOS! 
A nice birthday-present for her dad Hudson de Hijo = Baloo 
The next day she was confronted with a judge who found her to be way to young….in Junior Class… completely ridiculous. 


Hniña now also Dutch Junior Champion

Yes…but then…came a disastrous showday in Karlsruhe – Germany….. 
Hniña there cóuld win her last point for the German Junior title and Djaya her last point for the German Clubtitle…..cóuld…. 
Hniña did well until….she heard her halfsister Djaya bark > then all she wanted to do was get away and….she even managed to do that! So I ran after her to try and get a hold of her and I was real happy that I succeeded, went back in the showring but ofcourse she had lost her chance to win > she made Exc 2…..and that isn’t enough. Then it was Djaya’s turn and she perfectly won het class, when she had to show for best adult female, she….let us say…. ‘wasn’t the judges’ taste’…. 
We may have gone home with two trofees but in fact we left empty-handed. 

But we don’t give up that easy! 
On 11.17 it was time for a new attempt elsewhere : this time in Kortrijk – Belgium 
We went there in an effort to win Hniña’s first Belgian Junior point and ….even more exciting: Djaya was to try and win her final point for the Belgian adult title.
And what did the girls do : their best! As the only one of the present Junior dogs Hniña recieved an Excellent and so made BOB Junior! And first point won.
And Djaya not only made BOS but also finished for Belgian Ch > immediately applied for ofcourse.
So: mission accomplished! 
Extra to this show is that the CACIB winners receive the EURO Cup > Djaya is nr 8 in row of our dogs that won it and Hniña as BOB Junior nr 9 in a row to win the Debutants Cup. 
That on itself is a challenge.


Kortrijk – Belgium : Djaya BOS and Belgium Ch – Hniña BOB Junior 

11.17 ….. also is the day that 6 years ago our Cocó passed away.
And even though I know there are people who find it to be silly…I still miss her…our majesty.

onze 'majesteit' Cocó

our ‘‘majesty’ ‘ Cocó 

But then…..OH HAPPY DAY!! Happy day? Yes, most certainly! 
Our precious I Besos di Ròsa her second litter ( our H-litter ) celebrate their first birthday.
Which ofcourse means our Hniña de Besos does that too.
I am especially happy because day by day she will be growing up to being less crazy…….. 


Besos her H-miracles


Hniña de Besos 1 year old and crazy

But by now it was more than time to once again ‘make miles’
This time our trip was to Màlaga – Spain > never been there before, so : exciting.
We did enter once before….but then our I Besos di Ròsa decided she – sooner than was in the planning – wanted to become a mum again and as everyne knows about me : with pregnant ladies we don’t go and most certainly not when at home we have those adorable miracles. 
For both showdays were entered Ròsa Ke-sera ( Veteran ), Djaya de Besos ( Champion ) and Hniña de Besos ( Junior ) but…..our expectations weren’t high due to the fact that when together in the ring for BOB ( Best of Breed ) they make such a spectacle about it because all 3 will want to be with me….. Also this time with competition : a French male.
Day 1 : Djaya Exc 1 CAC, Ròsa Exc 1 CCV + BOB-Veteran, Hniña Exc1 CCJ and after first making BOB-Junior made ….BOB! Really! 
In the Ring of Honour she was even selected Best 6 of group 1!! 
Thank you judge Hlebarov from Bulgaria who said to ‘appreciate the fire in our little monster” 
Then came day 2, same participants and for us …same results. The male didn’t come any further than VG and when after him Djaya entered the ring, the judge said “oh, she is beautifull”! That makes your day! But….with a radiant smile on her face due to Hniña’s silly frills, also judge Poleteava from Finland gave preference to Hniña for BOB! 
It is so wonderfull to experience judges who recognize quality despite silly frills…… 


grandma Ròsa, mama Besos and Djaya & Hniña in Màlaga – Spain


Hniña making 2 x BOB-Junior and 2 x BOB

Once back home….we really were home again…..and in the rain! Isnt that nice……

At the end of the month, on 11.29, we celebrated the 8th birthday of our Gos d’Atura Català Rubí’s R-miracles.
1 sadly enough passed away at a young age ( drowning ) 
Congratulations Rubí’s Roshari + Rantxa + Roser + Raiyah + Racha 

de R-wondertjes van Rubí – ook al weer 8 jaar

Rubí’s R-miracles, also 8 now

October 2019


And then it’s already October again!! 
Besides that it’s getting colder, that the leaves have started falling and that we have to work in the garden again, there for us was loads to do on the showfront, Making lots of kilometers too….. 

We started of with a trip to Spain, where Hniña had to try and win her obligatory point for the Spanish Junior title, halfsister Djaya was also entered but she came for a point for the Spanish Super Champion-title! Supporters were grandma Ròsa and mum Besos, auntie Rubí had a sleepover at her daughter Pip’s. Both girls did what they needed to do and were awarded what they came for….it only went wrong when selecting Best of Breed…..Hniña went completely out of her mind when being showed by someone else >> crying, having hickups and turning all around! So Djaya got all upset too. Being the reason a male got that, sad but true.
We didn’t get home undamaged either, I got hooked on the lock of the hotelroom door > that meant paying the housedoctor a visit once home. 

Then you, with the 2 before mentioned halfsisters, go to 2 shows in Dortmund – Germany.
Quiet a lot of Schapendoezen : day 1 > 17 in total and both girls with two in their class Really had a hard time believing in a good result…. 
But : initially all went well, that means : Hniña was was awarded place 1 in Junior Class and by doing so won her 1st German Junior point and Djaya made 1st place in the Champion Class. Then we had to run for Best Junior and Best of Breed. All at the same time so you know what that meant.
Thanks to Hniña disbehaving both missed out of becoming BOB ( Best of Breed ) > Djaya made BOS ( Best female ) and Hniña made BOS Junior 


Hniña Best Female Junior ( BOS-Jr ) and Jugend Herbstsieger Dortmund 2019


Djaya best Female ( BOS ) and Herbstsieger Dortmund 2019

And then there also is a second day……..and that with the former still a fresh memory.
Once again quiet some Schapendoezen, now 16 and both girls once again with two in their class.
Ah well…..let’s just go for it…… Well …. a completely different judging! 
With the males nothing was the same, so no expectations. 
Hniña was to go first and again made Best Junior Bitch and Bundes Jugendsieger 2019.
Then it was Djaya’s turn and to my astonishment…made nr 2 in her class. Thank God for an Ecx!
To avoid the other day’s spectacle, I had decided to not show Hniña dor the final judging and had her taken back to where we were sitting, but….now that Djaya didn’t have to come back in….ran a marathon to bring back Djaya and take Hniña back in and we were just in time for Best of Breed.
Also now all was different : both juniors up front and first choose the best out of them. 
>> Hniña made Best Junior = BOB Junior!!! 
Then she had to perform again, now with ‘the big dogs’, for Best of Breed and ….SHE WON BOB!! 
Our little monster that manages to make a mess out of everyting was the Best of the Day!! 
She so did exactly what her great-great-granddad Hijo, her great-grandma Ke-sera, her mum I Besos di Ròsa and her halfsister Djaya de Besos had done at the early age of only 10 months. 
OH WHAT A DAY……………. 


Hniña – BOB Junior, BOB en VDH Bundes Jugendsieger 2019

We, by the way, arrived home from Dortmund with something extra – so it showed after a few days
I before had heard other people saying that their dogs catched it even though vaccinated, but we ourselves never had problems. Well – this time we did : our Djaya was infected with kennlecough! 
To our luck the other girls didn’t get it, but my – how pathetic she was.


poor Djaya……

Then there was a break of 2 weeks!! That is : have fun working in the garden and clearing leaves.
Ofcourse all together, for what am I without my helpers??!! 


my helpers having a break

But then it was time for another trip to Spain : otherwise one would start suffering from withdrawal symptoms > wouldn’t we??!! But seriously, both young ones had been enterd for a show : Djaya had to try and win her last point for the Catalonian title > not being seccessfull would mean having to do it all over again next year….. 
But both girls performed excellent : Hniña won her 2nd Spanish Juniorpoint and made BOB Junior.
Our reason to go Djaya won her 6th and 7th Catalonian point and made BOB. 
After coming home we immediately applied for the title.
More about that next year march …. for this title will be given during a special moment in a show.


Hniña won het 2nd Spanish junior point

At the lasty moment there was special delivery for Djaya.
The postman delivered the International title! HURRAH!! 


Djaya’s International title

September 2019

On 31.08 it was ridiculously warm ( 32C )……
Five days later …..we lit the fireplace for then it wasn’t warmer then 16C!! 

september foto 1

it the fireplace…

And what’s that we see!! What was in the mail on Sunday September 08?????
For our magnificent Gos d’Atura Català Rubí ( Gala’s Arubí Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó ) 
An invitation for the Dutch Dog of the Year ’19 Show!!!! 
With the Best Veterans!!!! 
Last year our Schapendoes Djaya de Besos Van Hoefflaeckne’s Cocó also recieved one.
And even went home with a price : she made Winner Reserve Dutch Breeds ’18.
I am blessed with the extraordinairy quality of my dogs…… 

september foto 2a

Rubí’s invitation for the Dog of the Year ’19-show

juni - foto 3

RUBÍ – a topveteran 

We also enjoyed an ‘in-between’pupywalk with one of Rubí’s sons and his owners.
Rubí brought reinforcement : our little monster Hniña > she also enjoyed the walk! 
As has become a custom we ended with a delicious lunch outside on the terrace. 

september foto 3

Hniña, Rubí and her son Bé-Petó = Alf

Then it once again was Friday 13…. and 
Celebrated by our oh-so-precious Besos ( I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó ) 
Just like her brothers and sisters Toby, Oscar, Jessie, Cara and Saartje she made 6 years old.
Besos is the mama of our Djaya de Besos and Hniña de Besos. 

september foto 4a

Besos – 6 years old

september foto 4b

Í-litter Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó – now 6 years old

The German owners of the daddy to our Rubí’s R-litter had moved quiet some time ago but we still hadn’t payed them a visit : so high time we did.
That meant a house full of a really lot of doggies : they 6 Gossos and we 1 Gos + 4 Schapendoezen.
But al went well and we had a wonderful day. It was good to see them again. 

On Sunday September 22 we had a very funny-combined walk!  
With puppies from Ròsa’s I-litter, È-litter and E-litter and from Besos her D-litter. 
All different ages, bitches and males and they had never walked together before. 
Did that work? In fact : yes! Just untill 2 of the males both meant that they were to be ‘the macho’ > so from then on they had to stay on the leish. But for the rest? The most wonderfull wheater one could ask for in this time of the year and friendly and happy doggy-owners. 

september foto 5

all together on a bench

A closure to this month were 2 dogshows in Maastricht – NL : Hniña was to show herself again.
Mama I Besos di Ròsa and halfsister Djaya de Besos were her supportersteam. 
Day 1 were entered 10 Schapendoezen : 3 males and 7 females > 2 in the female Junior Class > overwelming congratulations ( that means : none! ) when our little girl was awarded Exc 1 and a NL Junior point + BOB Junior……..we ourselves ofcourse didn’t fail to congratulate te other winners.
Day 2 were entered 12 Schapendoezen : 3 males and 9 females > 3 in the female Junior Class.
This showday was a complete mockery. Seldom did I experience so many dogs being awarded a VG ( very good )…..I am so glad our little girl was saved from that, even though she didn’t win another NL Junior point. This day was a complete waist of time and effort. 
Let’s just say ‘better next time’.  

september foto 6

Hniña with mum Besos and halfsister Djaya at the Maastricht Dogshow

August 2019


A nice and peacefull month as far as dogshows are concerned. 
Simply doing all kinds of other nice things, everything easy going. 
The girls had fun fooling around in their playground and ofcourse our little one took care of the necessary excitement : she for instance for the second time ran out the screen doors…. 

02-foto 9

the doggie playground


demolished screendoors

This month it once again was time for the oldest 3 of my girls to have their yearly check-up and vaccinations > all 3 still with perfect weights and no problems. That’s how we want it to be.
It however stays special that our Rubí is so afraid of needles > never did anything strange happen but since she was appr. 3 years old she doesn’t want to have anything to do with them. 
At the rear end of the Vet’s consulting room there is an area with all kind of measuring equipment > as soon as she said hello to the Vet, that is where she goes lie down, as if saying ‘I am not here’! 
Also this time the Vet said ‘Rubí, your room is waiting for you’! 


our Rubí, being afraid of needles

While we were there, Djaya and Hniña for the first time stayed home alone together : oh-oh : would that give problems?? But no : both girls had behaved perfectly and nothing had been demolished or so.



2 well-behaving young ladies

On August 23 our oh-so-precious Hijo’s H-miracles celebrated their 6th birthday.

Hijo's H-wondertjes nu 6 jaar

Hijo’s H-miracles now 6 years old 

But then….then…..then…..came August 24 and 25. On both these days our litle one Hniña was to officially participate in shows : in Rotterdam – NL and ofcourse in Junior Class. Both days 9 Schapendoezen and more or less the same dogs.
Day 1 she received ringnumber 100 ….. and I immediately said ‘her first shows and both times no result’…’! Was that correct? Is that how it was? Partly, for indeed, a certain lady, also being a judge and well knowing how it works, and whom’s dog already is a NL Junior Ch – it was even mentioned in the catalogue – knowing we would enter ( she even had the guts to tell the judge that my little one only was 9 months old – how dare she) again entered her dog in Junior Class. One then makes little chance being still so young. 
And in Junior and Veteran Class points don’t move on so…. didn’t look too good. 
We ourselves are never in someone’s way, sad that other’s don’t behave the same… 
Day 1 gave the predicted result : she received Exc2 , too bad for she really performed well.
What ‘s there to say about day 2? Well, our little one that day showed them who she is! First she won Junior Class and then even made BOS ( Best Bitch ) !! 
She didn’t make BOB, for by that time she was done with it, or…as the judge said ‘ she’s fed up with it now’!! 
The shouting and applauding at the side of the ring wasn’t that much for the male winning as for her ( read me ) not doing so…..isn’t that sad?! 
But our little one won her first Junior AND her first Adult point. 
And her judges report to us is WORTH GOLD 
We celebrated it with Spanish bubbles….. 


celebrating Hniña’s first showresults

As we did for the Birthday Queen’s birthday : thanks everyone for the congratulations.


Birthday Queen

On August 30 we received the sad message that the daddy to our R-litter of 01.02.2010 – Mistral – had passed away! Daddy to our own Ròsa Ke-sera.




R-litter of 01.02.2010

Last day of this month was for the Luxembourg Dogshow, also being the Benelux Winner Lux ’19 Show. Only entered Djaya de Besos ( Champion Class ) and Hniña de Besos ( Junior Class ). Mama Besos was their loyal supporter. 
And we went home with ……Hniña : Luxembourg Junior Ch, BOB ( = Best ) Junior ánd resBOS ( second bitch ) > only 9 months and 10 days old!! 
Halfsister Djaya was to take back home the Luxembourg Ch title.
That was a TOPDAY for the girls.
Sadly the ( Junior) Benelux Winner Lux-titles all of a sudden were not given > work to be done! 


half)sisters Djaya de Besos and Hniña de Besos Lux Ch en Lux Jr-Ch

July 2019

My, what wheather changes did we experience this month!
Extreemly warm, rain, hail, storm, wind, and again extreemly hot etc etc 

02-foto 1

In several countries our Djaya de Besos from now on can try to win the last points for the National titles and also for the International title. Everywhere she has more points than needed, but now there also as requested is 1 year + 1 day after winning the first point. We started of in The Netherlands – with not too much enthousiasme, everyone knows how much I enjoy attending shows here… don’t you? In The Netherlands she already has 7 points ( 4 needed ) so she could do with a Res CAC > that is what she received, so could be done. The judging and all around it wasn’t nice…I don’t think I will apply for the title yet….we might want to do another show…
But what do you think? The Raad van Beheer simply sent the title! Not happy, not at all… 
The day thereafter our vehicle brought us to Hannover – Germany, here she also already had 6 points ( 5 needed ) > sadly we had a change of judges I wasn’t too happy with >> judging from out of his chair – sitting, without touching and hardly any moving!! But she performed well. Made BOS ( Best Female ) and Annual Trofee Winner 2019 > we immediately applied for the German title.
Because she in both shows also won an International point, the score for the International title added up to 16 ( only 4 needed in 3 countries under 3 different judges ) + here it was also 1 year after the first point, so…..also applied for this title. 
Both days her supporterteam consisted of grandma Ròsa Ke-sera and halfsister Hniña de Besos.
Our little lady Djaya whom I at first called ‘our little devil’, I nowadays call ‘our new princess’….
She makes me happy 


Djaya de Besos and her supportersteam


the Hannover trofees 

My, it poured on 07.12! For hours. In less than ½ an hour this bowl was full and overflowing!!


more than full

This month it is 50 years ago that I for the first >> and at the same time, for the last time!! 
went camping.
On Texel – NL . That’s not for me : sand in your bed, turrents in your tent, cooking on a single burning device, walking a mile for a shower and/or bathroom……cramping that is to me. 
Never done it again. Why do I still know that so exactly? 
Because while we were there – on 07.20, there for the first time was ‘a man walking on the moon’! 
Stayed to watch that on TV and the next day I said ‘we are going home NOW’!! 


man on the moon


a tent….not for me

Today 07.20, is also the day our little monster Hniña de Besos….. turns 8 months!
Special?  Most certainly! As from today she is allowed to walk down the stairs and I no longer have to carry her down : at first she didn’t like it at all but in 2 days she did it as if it had never been different. Now, when I can’t find her, I find her upstairs with her halfsister Djaya de Besos : fooling around in the night-beds > sneaky they are! 

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two rascals

Lately my two veterans decided to lie together in a doggybed – when I tried to make a foto, they looked up at me as if saying ‘you are disturbing us’, lay their heads down again and went on snoozing.


two veterans

01-foto 6

two veterans

As far as it concerns shows, closure to the month was Ròsa Ke-sera trying to finish for the Belgian Veteran title > in Liège. I thought to only have entered for the Saturday-show, but …we also received paperwork for the Sunday! Ah well : 2 chances! The Saturday-show also was Benelux Winner 2019, so that meant a possibility for 2 titles. How did she do? Couldn’t have been better, or ”they” were happy to see us again….. The first day ( 8 Schapendoezen, 5 being females > 1 in every 5 classes! ) she made BOB Veteran + Belgian Veteran Champion + BOS ( Best Female ) + Benelux Veteran Winner BE ’19. The second day she made BOB Veteran as well as BOB ( Best of Breed ). 
Good girl, isn’t she?
I do find it striking that a veteran, beats a junior up to the dogs in the bloom of their lives …..
Last year we experienced the same with our then Junior ……… questionable, isn’t it….. 
Both days we enjoyed the friendly company of other-breeds doggy-owners.
We however lacked the company of a Belgian couple, also entered and were expected to join us. 

01-foto 7

Ròsa Ke-sera Belgian Veteran Champion + Benelux Veteran Winner ’19

The real closure to this month – came in at the last moment …..was to be a sad one….. 
Also explains why we had to miss the couple in the Liege Dogshow…..and came by mail .
To my astonishment on 08.31 a mourning card : he had passed away!!
We cannot do more than wish Veronique, their children and family, strength : STRENGTH 

June 2019


our little punkgirl

We started the month with a long weekend in Erfurt – Germany : my two oldies participated in a double show. Both with competition. And yes ofcourse the whole pack was there to support them!
The first day started of nasty : the judge very clearly wasn’t a fan of veterans and was very open about that when I entered the ring with Rubí > I was very close to taking her out of the show, thát’s how angry I was! It is that the also present judge-to-be told me to not pay any attention to him and that I didn’t want to spoil her day, but otherwise….. Anyway : he in spite of the competition did make Rubí BOB Veteran + BOB!
When I some time later entered the ring with Ròsa Ke-sera, he superciliously asked ‘do you have a resthome at home’! Really!! He also made Ròsa Ke-sera BOB Veteran, but BOS : not BOB >> ‘for this time we’ll give it to someone else’…… 
The next day both girls under two different judges made BOB Veteran as well as BOB!
And were praised for their condition and teeth. So!!
Both on day 2 also made Landesveteranensiegerin Thüringen 2019.
Rubí now also finished for German Veteran Champion.
Ròsa Ke-sera on day 2 was selected Best 8 in the Best in Show Veterans.
We later learned about a special gift : for Ròsa Ke-sera’s daughter Marisa di Ròsa in Sweden made Swedish Champion and was placed nr 2 in Best In Group 1. Wwooww 


Rósa Ke-sera and Rubí – 2 toppers in Erfurt Germany

Coming home there was work to be done.
We needed to find a new family for one of Djaya de Besos her brothers.
So….we contacted – by mail or by phone – anyone who might be interested or could know of someone being interested. And then, out of the blue…..a family, already having a doggie of ours and being on the list for a puppy next year, called in > they themselves were interested! What an unexpected surprise! So quickly told them everything about the situation and organized a walk to meet eachother > the possible owner to be fell for him the moment they met him and after a while their own little lady showed she liked him too, so…..in fact : case closed. We did have him being checked over by the Vet ( all well ) after which we wasted no time in having his new family take him home. That ‘little lady of them’….happens to be his auntie! Their daughter also has a doggie of ours …another auntie! So he stayes in the family, comfortable and familiar. Now he needs time to get accustomed to the new situation and both parties need to learn to trust eachother. I am certain things will turn out well – as they really want to ‘change the world’ for him.
For the time being he will stay in my name, once it is certain all is well, he will be signed over to them. 


with his new auntie and familymember

And then it once again is June 14…….. 
Since last year a day of being sad as well as a day of celebration – how double things can be… 
1 year ago our little princess Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo passed away – know she is being missed….. 
But it also is the day our last Gos celebrates her birthday – she is 10 already : 10!! 
Together with her sister Chica ( Gala’s Alegría ) we had a nice walk to celebrate it. 


Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo – already 1 year without her


Rubí – our last Gosgirl –
10 already


Rubí nd her sister Chica, 
now 10

Then it once again was time for our almost yearly trip to the German Clubmatch in Alsfeld – Germany. Most of the time we do not participate because of having a litter to be evaluated or Invantarisations to be done. And I find my puppy-owners then come before participating in a Clubmatch. This time we however had our hands free : no litter-evaluation and/or Inventarisation, so……for once we participated. On day 1 there was a German judge for the females and on day 2 a Dutch lady….so…..we were wise….. and only entered for day 1…..for us there clearly are boundaries and principles. 
I did also enter I Besos di Ròsa, but once there decided to withdraw her/not show her : after having a litter about 6 months ago she obviously is far from being in shape and she is too precious to be judged inappropiately. The 3 others were all 3 placed : Ròsa Ke-sera was nr. 4 with the Veterans, Djaya de Besos was nr 3 in Open Class ( 12 females! ) and our little one Hniña de Besos out of three female puppies was : the youngest and….the BEST, nr. 1!!! 
At the end of the day she was to show with the only male puppy for Best Puppy but that was something we on beforehand could forget for the Dutch judge also took part in deciding…..and so…..only BOS Puppy……and without congratulations…… 
Oscar ( Il Divo di Ròsa ) – brother to our I Besos di Ròsa – participated in Champion Class on both days : on day 1 with the Dutch judge and on day 2 with the German judge > both days with good reports. To the astonishment of many….he on day 1 as the only champion of 7 ….was sent away with a Very Good…… on day 2 he ofcourse received an Excellent, I REST MY CASE…… 
For the rest we had a wonderfull weekend, a lot of chitchatting and so with the ‘old group’: the owners of a brother of Ròsa Ke-sera and them of a sister of hers, the owners of a brother of I Besos di Ròsa, the owners of Èvita di Ròsa and those of Daraya de Besos ( a sister of our Djaya de Besos ). At the last moment the owners of Midado di Ròsa had to cancel due to work and health. All these people are there every year again, not to participate in the Clubmatch, but only for our ever so pleasant family-gathering. 
I have great respect for such loyal families. We are lucky. 
As is a custom with us, we on Saturday had our ‘family-dinner’ – this time with a smaller group > 
then also the owners of some daddy-dogs were present : those with the daddy of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s C-litter and Ròsa Ke-sera’s I- and M-litter. 
Just like the owners of a Belgian Schapendoes-girl : we help them find their way and what to do on the path of breeding. 
Sunday-evening the hotel was closed, but the veranda of the hotel was ours, and just for us : 5 persons, 9 doggies, a delicious bread-meal combined with nice drinks. 
A pleasant closure of our gathering. 


Ròsa Ke-sera nr. 4 with the Veterans


Djaya de Besos nr. 3 (out of 12) in Open Class


Hniña de Besos nr 1 in Puppy Class and BOS Puppy


Oscar ( Il Divo di Ròsa )


our Sunday-bread-dinner

But then, but then! The moment had arrived for our first litterwalk with the H-miracles of our oh-so-precious
I Besos di Ròsa : our famous ‘we-are-7-months-old’-walk.
It was warm, but to our luck not yet too warm. 
Last moment 1 family cancelled….but for the rest we were complete. 
It was the first time all familes saw the other doggies again after they left our house with their own appr. 8 weeks old miracle and it was the first time they were to meet eachother. 
What wonderfull miracles did our I Besos di Ròsa once again enrich the world with : happy and free, naughty, fearless, not afraid of anything or anyone, and oh-so affectionate and sweet. Lovely long and straight legs, happy long tails and …..for the most with that beautiful light grey colour you rarely see with the Schapendoes anymore. The oldest and youngest male and our very own Hniña de Besos were out of tone being the darkest. Each and everyone of them are at the top of the standard size > but that’s what I like, not those shrimpy ones. Already now was very obvious which were males and which were females : excellent gendertype that means. 
We had a very pleasant walk with a happy crowd of people who had a lot to tell eachother and with adorable puppies – each and everyone of them. Most of them by the way….went for a swim > very unusual for Cocódotjes-miracles!
From our side also was present their halfsister Djaya de Besos, and she…..is unexceeded, what a sweetie she has turned out to be. 
When the walk became to much for our own little one, she made clear wanting to be carried. 
For closure we had a pleasant gathering for a lunch : outside on the terrace with all those young doggies at our feet and/or under the table : still so young and already behaving so well.
Proud and happy we later went home again…. 




Djaya de Besos +
7 H-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa on a bench


cosy closure

And it’s almost unbelievable, but we then had 2 weeks without obligations! 
Just hanging around at home and doing something in the garden.
Just as well, for with temparatures of 35 C ( and +!! ) one doesn’t want to be active.


showing off’ in the garden

But finally : FINALLY!!! 
For our Djaya de Besos the postman brought what we had been waiting for for 2 months : the confirmation + the certificate of the Spanish title! 
Our 8th doggie – Gos and Schapendoes – awarded with this title. 
Next to the Benelux-title, this is the first ‘I-am-a-big-girl-now’-title awarded to Djaya de Besos 


Djaya de Besos nu ook Spaans Kampioen

May 2019

May turned out to be a special month….

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my special loungers

We, first of all,visited the last one of the puppies of our H-litter of November 2018.
With all families everything was perfectly in order, okay : one of the puppies was a little too fat and one of them was getting a little to much extra nice sweeties so food was less interesting….. for the rest nothing shocking, but happy families and free and happy doggies. Now we can send the paperwork to the Raad van Beheer to have them signed over to the new owners. It won’t be long before we see them again for our first litterwork. 

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visiting the last one of I Besos di Ròsa’s H-miracles

May 13th…..that day the person to whom we thank Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s name : Doris Day > passed away. When we in 2006 at the age of 5 weeks decided to indeed keep a puppy and we out of the blue needed to think about a name starting with a K….getting in the car, turning on the radio and ….there was Doris Day with ‘Que sera, sera’…….out of which we made Ke-sera.
During her whole life there wasn’t a day I did not sing that song for her, in all variations it gives! 
The first time Ke-sera at the age of 15 months was to show herself in the Ring of Honour……at the moment we were to enter the Ring…’her’ song was played >> you should have seen her face!
But….now no more Doris Day and no more Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo > the last one however stays with us in our hearts and in her offspring. 

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the late Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo

It had already been about a year ago that we had been to a show in Germany…..so.we decided to enter one of the girls in Dortmund on May 18 > Djaya de Besos was the one to be sacrified….. 24 Schapendoezen had been entered but in the vision of the judge ( a breed specialist! ) our starlett of merely 2 years old…… was the prettiest, the best….THE BOB!!!! 
She is still too young to become a German Champion but next to becoming the BOB she went home with the title VDH Europa Sieger 2019 and she also won her first German Adult Club point. 
Already our sixth generation being well appreciated by many and showing at their best. 

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Djaya de Besos in Dortmund BOB + VDH Europasieger 2019

Her grandmother the next day in Wieze – Belgium also showed herself at her best, managed to beat the competition and not only made BOB Veteran but also made BOB! 
When we enterd the ring the judge said ‘my compliments madam, compliments’!! 

Next was a trip to the Dog Show in Oss – The Netherlnds in ….Den Bosch…to make things easy…… > Ròsa Ke-sera was to try and win her third and final necessary point for the Dutch Veteran title. 
Her supporter-team consisted of her granddaughters Djaya de Besos and Hniña de Besos. 
Well: she made it > this lady made BOB Veteran and BOS-reserve and…..last but not least…..
Best In Group Veterans nr. 4!! Isn’t that a wonderfull way to finish? Special present was that we learned that her daughter Marisa di Ròsa that same day in Sweden made BOB and Best In Group 1 nr 2!! 
How was that saying about the apple and the tree……..

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Ròsa Ke-sera BOB + BOB Veterans in Wieze – B and BOB Veterans in Oss – NL

Then…..great fun! On May 26 we had the combined Birthday-/Litterwalk with the M-litter of Ròsa Ke-sera,
I Besos di Ròsa’s D-litter and Rubí’s Í-litter. 
From the first one some live abroad and we had 3 being ill, from the second 1 out of 8 couldn’t come along due to illness and from the third…..being only two, only one could come but had car problems. That meant that in the end we were to have the walk with 9 of the puppies + our Hnña de Besos and 16 owners, A really nice group al together. 
The weathergods once again were good to us because we had wonderfull wheater for a walk : just a little bit of sun, hardly any wind, it was dry and the temperature very pleasant. Ofcourse our little one was not yet allowed to walk all the time…also could and.or did not want to herself and was very good in showing when it was time to be carried again > there were enough arms to do so.
As is a custom with us we ended our meeting-up with something to drink and a lunch outside on the terrace.
My-oh-my : what lovely offspring did my girls produce. 


Litterwalk with some of the puppies of our
M- and D-miracles + Hniña de Besos

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Hniña de Besos in safe arms

Unfortunately ……. 2 days later the owners of one of our Djaya de Besos her brothers reached out to us with the request to find a new family for him. 
So….whoever nows of a loving family with place in their hearts and life for this little 2-years old male…..contact me

zoekt een nieuwe familie

looking for a new family

April 2019

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pril…..March was busy, but April was just as bad! Just read.
For starters we picked up visiting the H-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa. Go see them again.!
For : it was time for the “we-are 4-months-old”-visits.
First one to visit on April 03 was the last born and during the month we in total visited 6, the last one was the first born, next month one more to do – they didn’t have time for us any sooner…….
Everywhere all was fine and our Hniña – who every visit also was present – had a great time playing with them > that meant that after that they were tired and so were quiet…….pfffff! Finally! 

That first day visiting was quiet tough for Hniña, for that evening she also for the first time had to go to Ringtraining . She did that really well for a first time. Even though she – just like me, don’t think this is the place for us – found it to be really strange on sand and in a horsestable.

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Hniña de Besos – 5 months old

Daarnaast hebben onze beide “oude dames” Rubí en Ròsa Ke-sera deze maand volop show gelopen als Veteraan. Ze begonnen in Zwolle, RòsBesides that, both our ‘”old ladies” Rubí and Ròsa Ke-sera this month showed as Veterans.
They started of in Zwolle – NL, Ròsa Ke-sera on April 06 : the judge found her to be wonderful – that much even that he said it was a pity she already is a Veteran.
The lady made BOS-reserve ( Best Opposite Sex ) + BOB Veterans.
Next day is was Rubí’s turn and she was ready for it! This lady not only made BOB Veterans, but beat the competition and also made BOB ( Best of Bread )! So!!
Both our young ones joined us both days and behaved perfectly, the ones having to stay home ofcourse had different feelings about that…… a Ke-sera op 04 april : de keurmeester vond haar geweldig – zo zeer dat hij zei dat het jammer was dat ze al een veteraan is.
De dame werd BOS-reserve ( Best Opposite Sex ) + BOB Veteraan.
De volgende dag was de beurt aan Rubí en zij was weer in haar element > deze dame werd niet alleen BOB Veteraan, maar versloeg de concurrentie en werd ook BOB ( Beste van het Ras)! Zo!
Beide jonkies waren deze dagen mee en hebben zich voortreffelijk gedragen, de thuisblijvers waren daar natuurlijk minder over te spreken….

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Rubí : BOB + BOB Veterans in Zwolle

After Hniña in Spain lost and changed her front teeth….on April 08 it was time for the first molar!
The little tooth-container was already waiting for it. 

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the first molar Hniña lost

On that same day ….. the postman brought us : the Spanish Veteran title for Ròsa Ke-sera!
After Cocó, machissimo Hijo, Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo and Rubí she is my fifth doggie to win this title! 

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Ròsa Ke-sera now also is Spanish Veteran Champion

What also was worthwhile : we were invited for a nice walk, a glas of wine and dinner, by the owners of one of Rubí’s sons. I don’t easily do that, but……sometimes one has to make an exception, or not? Ofcourse mama Rubí accompanied me and we had the most wonderful walk > mother and son also got along really good, both in- and outside.

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Rubí and son Alf on a tree trunk

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peace and quiet while we dine

The weekend thereafter in Antwerp – Belgium Ròsa Ke-sera showed herself the best she could.
On the first day she just like in Zwolle – NL made BOS-reserve + BOB Veterans, the next day she did even better and made BOS + BOB Veterans!! Our oldies are going strong!

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Ròsa Ke-sera

As if that wasn’t enough: both old ladies presented themselves on April 20 in Goes – NL.
This time all our doggies came along > gave all those people another chance to grumble “there she comes again with all her dogs”……….
Ròsa Ke-sera made BOS-reserve + BOB Veterans
Rubí however……earned her final third Dutch Veteran point, made BOS + BOB-Veteran + BOB.
For her now can be applied for the Dutch Veteran title.
Both ladies becoming BOB-Veterans meant going to the Ring of Honour with 2 doggies > that’s impossible so I asked for help.When you don’t show a Veteran in the Ring of Honour you don’t loose your point, you do when the BOB doesn’t show up for the Group. So when the prejudging of the Veterans was done we together with someone else decided to go to the prejuding of Group I > a little while later the Ringpersonal came to tell us that the judge of the Veterans was very disappointed that we retreated….would we please come back…he said he would make sure we would be able to also be in time for the Group. So said, so done. After Rubí first by the speaker was introduced as a Schapendoes!!! ( with the excuse that he knew me from the Schapendoes ) we were selected with the best 6 Veterans : a really good result already!
To my astonishment we also were placed and even as BEST VETERAN IN SHOW GOES 2019!!!!
The ring-judge also joined us at the podium and I don’t know who’s smile was the biggest, mine or his > and he kept saying ‘smile-smile-smile’!! 
I am so proud of my oldies!! Especially as they are praised because of their condition and their teeth Special is that my Dutch Ròsa Ke-sera did this in Spain and my Spanish Rubí in The Netherlands. 

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Rubí Best In Show Veteran Goes 2019

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Rubí’s trofees

Then it was time for Rubí and Ròsa Ke-sera to have sleepovers:
Rubí with a family who have one of her daughters and Ròsa Ke-sera with a family that have a halfbrother of hers + a son!
For it was time for us to go on a trip : to a show on April 27 in Madrid- Spain > this time not-entered dogs were not allowed in there due to the preparation of next year’s very special show. 
For that reason the sleepovers. 
So just with the three young ones this time. 
Djaya de Besos had to try and win her last obligatory point for the Spanish title.
Hnina de Besos was entered as a Baby and for her it was training. 
Well, we can’t complain about the results > Djaya did what she had to do and received what she needed > her last obligatory point > the Spanish tiltel has already been applied for!
Hniña also did really well and was said to be ‘perfecta’! 
But …..there was an unexpected extra! 
As of from this year Spain has joined Portugal, Italy and France for the Latin Winner. 
And so Djaya made Latin Winner 2019 Madrid 
That 5-months-old baby of ours even won her first title : Baby Latin Winner 2019 Madrid! 
You understand we no way can say the trip didn’t pay of : a better reward wasn’t posible. 

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Djaya de Besos – our new Spanish Champion

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Hniña de Besos with her 1st title

More…….next time 

March 2019

Well….March 01….according to the Dutch KNMI the start of spring…..looked more like autumn those first 10 days.
A good reason to get busy in the house.

In our calender was planned on March 10 a combined Birthday- / Litterwalk with Ròsa Ke-sera’s M-litter,
I Besos di Ròsa’s D-litter and Rubí’s Í-litter. But at the last moment we had that many – all very valid – cancellations….that we cancelled! Of course with immediately suggesting another date > more news about that walk with….who knows how many of the 17 miracles….at a later moment.
The wheathergods showed not to be in a good mood that day too, so that made it less bad. 


M-miracles of Ròsa Ke-sera, 4 years already

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D-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa, now 2

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-miracles of Rubí, also 2 now

It also just happened not to suit us too badly, for : the day thereafter we took of to the whether-or-not sunny south! Just relaxing at our spot on the beach. It was the first long trip and hotel stay for Hniña > which she did perfectly, nothing was a problem, everything simply was interesting and a good experience. Everything : the car, the travelling, the stops at the gasstations, the going for walks at strange places, all the sounds and smells, the hotel, the room and having to stay there by herself for a moment : fine, business as usual! She walked into our apartment as if she had been there before and the garden simply was hers! During the trip she was in a small bench on the frontseat….where normally Besos or Djaya would be sitting….thát was a bit of a problem for Djaya! So as in front of that seat were big bags with their food and treats and toys a.s.o. covered by one of their doggy-beds, Djaya decided that she could go lie there…..silly girl! 

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Djaya needs to be close too……

On the day of arrival in Spain – March 12 – it happened to be partytime in Casa Cocódotjes!
It was the 2nd birthday of I Besos di Ròsa’s D-miracles > ofcourse we – as is a custom with us – sent them all a “congratulations-mail”, I am sure they all had a wonderful day. 
And so it also was the birthday of our very own Djaya : and also in Spain we celebrated that with a special treat. Those big kisses she already got whem we woke! 

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celebrating Djaya’s 2nd birthday in Spain 

After a first and quiet week with just some nice friends coming to visit…..there was work to be done again! We had entered for a show in Reùs : just Djaya and Hniña this time.
Entered : just because we had to be there….yes : HAD TO BE! 
For….most important of all : I Besos di Ròsa and Djaya de Besos had to show up to recieve their titles of Catalonian Champion 2018 and Catalonian Junior Champion 2018, very festive happenings.
On Saturday there were 14 Junior Champions 2018 and on Sunday 42 Champions 2018. Each of them, one by one were called into the Ring of Honor, named by name and breed after which they received their title and trofee from the President of the ACUCC. A true happening. 
And it got even better when on Sunday…..our I Besos di Ròsa….. > really not in shape yet after giving birth to 8 puppies less than 4 months before…..was chosen with the Best 10 of the Catalonian Champions 2018. What do you mean ‘a party’?? Só proud of my girls. 

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I Besos di Ròsa Campéon de Catalunya 2018
selected best 10 Champions 

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Djaya de Besos Campéon de CataluBya Joven 2018

They were very long days – leaving the house at 05.00 am and not being back before 21.00 pm – but our little one did really good. In the ring, as a Baby, she performed excellent,
had no problem with the judge touching her all over and looking at her teeth and eyes and so on. Hniña de Besos had her 1st VP 1 written down in her ‘ballbook’ – no-one is to take that away from her ever.
She also won her 1st Catalonian Junior point.
Halfsister Djaya de Besos now has 5 points for the Catalonian Adult title ……. 1 to go!

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Hniña de Besos with her 1st trofee

After that we simply had a relaxing holiday week and made Hniña get acustomed to all that belongs to our life in Spain. Our little watchdog. Once home we rapidly needed to get her back to what can and cannot be, you know how it is on a holiday….easy going……

And just when you think life just goes on nice and easy….bad news! Just out of the blue Rubí had a fast growing tumour-like growth under her rightside underlip. We don’t like things like that and so she on March 28 was operated on as also the Vet wasn’t happy with what he saw. Now it’s waiting for the result… The operation was without any problem, the other girls cuddled her truely sweet when she came back home and once she was up and awake she was spoiled by me.

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Rubí back home after her operation

But to our luck things turned for the better again! For on March 31 our Djaya de Besos was invited to present herself in Almere – NL for the official presentation of an Award of Dogzine!
Out of all the dogs entered in shows in 2018 in The Benelux ( Belgium, Luxembourge and The Netherlands ) this lady of ours happens to be ………….. a : Best Schapendoes – b : 3rd best of Dutch Breeds – c : 8th Best in Group I! 

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proud Djaya the Besos and her Award

That’s it! It was a well filled month. On to the next.

February 2019

How nasty the month started of with wet and cold weather.
But : when it was needed, heaven broke open, de sky was blue, no rain, hardly any wind – what more can one ask for on a day a Litter-/Birthdaywalk was planned?!
On February 03 we had a combined walk with puppies from Rubí’s U- and B-litters.
The U-puppies already are 5 years old and the B-puppies 3 > it goes too fast….
From our side ofcourse mama Rubí was present but also our Djaya: since her halfsister Hniña is with us she feels a bit neglected and needed a treat,
It was a wonderful walk – even though one of the families left early. 

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some of Rubí’s U- and B-miracles + Rubí and Djaya

But then…..it hits you like a hammer!
Mama / Grandma / our Gala has passed away……
08.11.2003 – 08.02.2019
Exactly 15 years and 3 months old.
From day 1 she was ‘best friend’ to our Hijo > they knew eachother since they were
10 and 12 weeks old.
And thanks to that friendship, she at a certain moment came to stay with us. 
Due to her beauty and her unbelievably beautiful head we – on special request –
had one litter with her. 
And because the litter received such an excellent judgement, we kept her daughter Rubí. 
With Rubí we had 4 litters. 
In total, Gala enriched our lives with 7 children and 20 grandchildren. 

Now reunited with her boyfriend Hijo, his mama Cocó and his daughter Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo. 
This ever so friendly and affectionate but no-less caracteristic Gos…….how we will miss her…..
It’s getting busy on that cloud up there……. 
As on our piano……. 
Thank you for all, dear Gala…….para siempre : “CHICA MIA”. 

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From being sad….life hops over to astonishment! Someone sent us an email asking whether we were aware that our Djaya had won an award….??? An Award???
It appears to be so that Dogazine keeps records of all the shows in the Benelux, of all participating dogs, regardless where they come from. 
And our little girl…..in 2018 in the Benelux ended as:
a – Best Schapendoes, b – nr 3 in Dutch Breeds and c – nr 8 in Group I.
Isn’t she amazing???? 
And that’s not all : we received an invitation for the festive announcement and ceremony!
We most certainly will be present. 

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announcement of Djaya’s Award

To celebrate the 9th birthday on February 01 of our Ròsa Ke-sera and her siblings of our Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo R-litter, we on the 17th had a Litter-/Birthdaywalk.
Once again with the best wheather one can ask for, with still very healthy, active and mobile doggies and a pleasant group of people! Our Djaya again accompanied us. 

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Djaya and some of Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo’s R-miracles

And on February 24 we had aan extra ‘in-between’-walk with Ròsa Ke-sera’s daughter Evi
(Evita di Ròsa). 
On special request – there was a lot they wanted to talk about. 
From our side Besos di Ròsa and her daughter Djaya de Besos were present.
Once again unbelievably wonderful wheather. 

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Besos and Djaya with Evi

That’s it for now…..enough, I would say

January 2019

And out of the blue….it’s January 2019!
As far as our news during December : you can read about that under H-litter of our I Besos di Ròsa Same goes for the first 2 weeks of January. 

From midst of November 2018 until midst of January 2019 life existed out of caring for the puppies and of the visits of their future families. A wonderfull, but oh-so busy time.

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H-miracles of I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó 

But in Janauary normal life once again peeked around the corner…. 
Normal?? Well, just you call that ‘normal’!! 

It started with me – even though all puppies had not left yet ( no worry : perfect babysit! ) – responding to the invitation of the Raad van Beheer for our Djaya de Besos Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó to enter for the ‘Dog of the Year-show 2018’!
An honor on itself, for to be invited a dog needs to have a Dutch Pedigree, live in The Netherlands and in a Dutch show reach place 1, 2 or 3 in its Breed Group. And that’s what Djaya did : she reached place I in Group I Youth and place 3 in Group I > she then was merely 1 year old!
Like I said : it’s already an honor to be present.
When one then goes home as WINNER RESERVE DUTCH BREEDS……..
no words! Só proud of our little girl. 

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Djaya de Besos Van Hoefflaecken’s Coco:
Winner Reserve Dutch Breeds ‘Dog of the Year-show 2018’ 

The days thereafter we one by one gave our H-miracles to their new families.
It was time, but oh-my : how empty and quiet it then al of a sudden is!

It then was time to take a brake with my girls and we did so in Spain : where we had also entered for a double show in Martorell.
My, how cold is was there. And the second day it also started raining.
But the showreaults were heart warming good!
Both days Djaya de Besos participated in Intermediate Class and Ròsa Ke-sera as a Veteran.
Both days Djaya made BOB (Best of Breed), she earned two points for the Spanish title and 3 points for the Catalonian (adult) title, one of both days she was selected with the Best 5 of Group I.
Ròsa both days made BOB-V ( Best of Breed Veteran ) and earned her last points for the Spanish Veteran title > so we can now request for the title. On the fist day she was selected with the Best 5 Veterans of show, on day 2 this lady made BEST VETERAN IN SHOW!! How good a ‘finishing touch’ that is!! 

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Ròsa Ke-sera Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó BEST VETERAN IN SHOW

What a way to start of showing in the new year….

Once home…..it was time…..to go pick up the expansion to the family.
During our week in Spain she had been with a sweet babysit. 
Expansion to the family?? Yes! Completely against to what is a custom with us – we normaly keep a puppy from the first litter of a new generation – also from the second litter of our very special I Besos di Ròsa a little female was allowed to stay with us. The girls have chosen for us the female with the red ribbon : her littername is Gamba, in her Pedigree her name is Hniña de Besos Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó and at home we call her Hniña.
Her daddies dad is our very own – passed away – machissimo Hijo.
To me, he and Besos are all a Schapendoes should be and also with wonderfull caracters.
This way I managed to have offspring of the two of them. 

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Hniña de Besos Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó – almost 8 weeks old

Now my present 4 Schapendoes-girls once again form a “Lucky Four-leaf Clover’

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our present 4 Schapendoes-girls “Lucky Four-leaf Clover”

And together with our Gos-lady Rubí, my 5 girls are a “Handful of Happiness” again.

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my 5 pretty girls : a “Handful of Happiness”