Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo
Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo Champion with 36 titles:
NHSB 2636702 – 18.07.2006
- FCI WW Junior ’07
- FCI Eur Junior ’07, FCI Eur ’08, FCI Eur Veteran ’14
- The Netherlands Grand Champion 2014
- Las Americas Junior
- Junior Croatia, Luxembourge, The Netherlands, Slowakia, Germany, Germany Klub
- VDH EJSieger’07, VDH BJSieger’07,
VDH Eur Sieger ’08 - Internatonial, The Netherlands, Mexico, Spain, Catalunya, Luxembourge, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Gibraltar
- Italian Club Winner ’11
- Veteran The Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourge, Czech Republic, Belgium, Gibraltar
- NL Veteran Winster ’14
- Benelux Veteran Winster BE’14
- Benelux Veteran Winster Lux ’14
- Benelux Veteran Champion

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo thanks her name to the fact that when I díd decide to already keep a puppy – I originally wanted to wait untill Hijo was appr. 4 years old – I turned on the radio and there was … Doris Day, singing “Que sera, sera”. As her name was to begin with a”K” we changed it phonetical into Ke-sera. Also: as “cherry on the cake“ the whole litter was named after grandma Cocó and daddy Hijo. At home – since then – ″her″ song is to be heard very, very regularly.
Also: as “cherry on the cake“ the whole litter was named after grandma Cocó and daddy Hijo. At home – since then – ″her″ song is to be heard very, very regularly.

Funny anecdote: we once, once again, had to present ourself in the Ring of Honour and at the moment we had to enter the Ring > “her” song was played. Oh, you should have seen her. She entered the Ring showing everyone “this is my song” I am Ke-sera”. It was só touching. She is a beautiful and lovely madcap, an unfailing bundle of energy and joy. She also is a real “daddy’s girl”: you see one, you see the other. On top of it all they have a striking resemblance, he only is male and robust, she frail and feminine.

It is hard to think of something they don’t do together, the one cannot do without the other. He tolerates everything of her and protects her, she keeps clean his ears. I sometimes feel sorry for Hijo, for he isn’t allowed a moment for himself.
Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo also is all shades of grey and a frail lady, as grandma and daddy she succeeded the same courses and in the meantime she also completed her cycling-exams.

Yes, and once again it runs in the blood: she is no less succesfull in shows than her grandma and daddy > when she was only 2 ½ years old she already was the owner of 21 titles. By now she has 34. Many, many times she was BOB and was often placed (high) in the Ring of Honour.

Well and then Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo also took care of enlarging the Schapendoesfamily.
On 01.02.2010 she for the first time was mama to no less than 10 most adorable Schapendoes/Cocódotjes-miracles. Yes it’s true 10!

And as predicted and very much hoped for one little lady stayed with us.
Her name is Ròsa Ke-sera Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó.

After that she had 2 more litters : in 2011 with 8 miracles and in 2013 with 12 miracles – incredible.

She then, at the age of 6½ years old, was allowed to have an ″early retirement″ : 3 such large litters are more than enough we think. So ever since all she needs to be is sweet, naughty and pretty, but above all healthy!
But … also here time does not stand still, for:
Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo already is a grandma to dozens of grandchildren (sadly not always as we wanted it to be and /or agreed upon). Important to us and well considered: grandma to her daughter Ròsa Ke-sera’s puppies > for on Friday 13.09.’13 Ròsa Ke-sera became a mama to 6 Cocódotjes
I–miracles, on 2015.03.02 to 9 M–miracles, on
2016.07.11 to 7 È–miracles and end of 2017 to 10
E-miracles. From her I–litter … we added one to the family
Her name is
I Besos di Ròsa,
the 5th generation Cocódotjes.
In 2017 her granddaughter I Besos di Ròsa for the first time made her great–grandmother. For on 2017.03.12, I Besos di Ròsa became mother to 8 wonderfull D–miracles The sixth generation Cocódotjes!
Allowed to stay with us was Djaya de Besos.

took of on a journey to her so beloved daddy Hijo and her grandma Cocó

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo
Ever since the passing 2 years ago of her so beloved daddy Hijo, she hasn’t been doing well.
3 weeks after his passing she all at once turned blind and deaf and there was little left that she enjoyed. The other girls from that moment on took real good and loving care of her and made sure she during walks did not walk into things or would stumble. By and by she learned to accept the situation but she never was truely happy again. Whenever we would have puppies – which she would normally enjoy very much and would always be a concerned grandma / great-grandma – she now would keep her distance after a first sniff. That’s how it was with everything. Slowly but clearly you could see her getting less by the day. And still there are people who say dogs are not like people…………

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo and the other girls
She did however as usual still accompany us wherever we went, even though walking free was no longer possible : due to her being unable to see and unreachable due to her being deaf, not só nice for her. Only at really familiar locations and when there would not be other people around we dared let her go free, if not she would be on a long leish.
Our Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo, our princess, daddy’s favourite.

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo with her daddy Hijo
whom we in fact were not ready for, but she so very sneaky crawled into our hearts that when she was 5 weeks old we couldn’t but confess : she belonged to be with us.
who thanks her name to us after that decision getting into the car, turning on the radio and hearing Doris Day sing ‘her song’ > “Que sera, sera”>> out of that we made Ke-sera..
“Her “ song…..we used to sing and hear it everywhere.
who was also named after her daddy Hijo and grandma Cocó:
her full name is Ke-sera de Cocós Hijo: isn’t that beautifull?
who in many, many shows convinced many judges of her qualities and won the unbeleivable amount of 34 titles > once a judge introduced her to the public as being a Schapendoes as a Schapendoes is supposed to be.
Her last showing was in October ’17 in Talavera de la Reina – Spain:
just because only entered dogs were allowed in!
who being only 3 years old together with her grandma raised our Gos Gala’s puppies > Gala had no interest in them at all!
who became the mother of 3 litters of her own > 10, 8 and 12 puppies she gave birth to, puppies who spread there wings to go live in several countries. She also became a grandma and even a great-grandma.
who gave us our Ròsa Ke-sera………

Ke-sera with daughter Ròsa, granddaughter Besos en great-granddaughter Djaya
By chance…..is that possible?…..I in the beginning of what was to be her last week happened to make beautifull foto’s of Ke-sera by herself and of Ke-sera with the other 4 girls……somehow that had to be……

Ke-sera with the other girls

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo
Only 2 months before her passing, she all at once had funny lumps on her belly > breastcancer >> she immediately had to undergo serious surgery – taking much more time than Expected. It looked as if she recovered well, even revived……but that was only for the moment for all of a sudden she got less and less by the day. It wasn’t fair to let her suffer any longer. That was not what she deserved.

Ke-sera ….. flown away…..
The girls were all present and very calm, Djaya totally bewildered was sitting tightly next to me while Ke-sera was on my lap. After her passing Ke-sera was cuddled and kissed by all of them,
Rubí couldn’t stop kissing her.

Ke-sera surrounded by the other girls
Just like before with her grandma Cocó and her daddy Hijo, we all together took her to the crematorium: all the doggies were more than welcome. Together we took her to the last spot.
Just like with Hijo I prepared her and lay her down for the last thing to be done before we went home again. That felt so good. As we had to be away for the weekend thereafter – Litter-evaluations of our last litters – I had a hard time leaving her at home ‘alone’…..but the neighbours said she had to come stay with them, that was so much better!
Now she is on the piano next to Hijo and Cocó.
Together they stay amidst of us.

Ke-sera now

Hijjo en Cocó and Ke-sera
Now also ….. no more Ke-sera
She is being missed intense.

Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo