Week 5

the nine H-miracles – 29 days old
As usual week 5 was an overloaded week.
To start with there again were the weekly visits of the families-to-be, and with 9 puppies that’s a lot.
It takes a lot of mum Djaya de Besos, for she still is a suspicious and attentive mother.
Bit by bit she starts taking it more easy, but she has her limits – the visitors for instance shouldn’t
dare get up : then she, together with her halfsister, loudly barking warn them.
Most of the families now have had the males or the females on their lap – which ofcourse makes a
real difference. The moment to do so, here always depends on whether the mum can handle it.
Next to the beef and the tripe, the H-miracles this week – sooner than we normally do – also had
softened dry food. But still in a little bowl and on my lap.
I can tell you they had no objections what so ever – they loved it.
You see, their mum gave signs of having a hard time, so we came to the rescue.
And a little later than usual – no more than a few days – we provided them with more living space.
> the puppy penn was enlarged and at the same time were added some challenging toys.
At first they thought it to be rather strange, not much later though they came see and explore and
after a thorough inspection it was ok.
After ‘inspector’ mum Djaya de Besos also checked it out and offered them comfort milk, they
however hurried back into the trusted birthbox for a nap.

more living space

and then hurry to get back to sleep
The water bowl had been in for some time and they enjoyed stepping into it. But drinking : no way
On day 34 however, it was time and now they finally drink water. Good for mum.

finally drinking from the waterbowl
Each and everyone of them love eating – nothing is not to their taste, they are finished before you
know it. And then there is the bar of mama Djaya de Besos > nowadays that’s done standing.

mum Djaya de Besos – feeding while standing
The week ended spectacularly!
For : it was time.
Geboortevrouwtjes’ hand was replaced…..
….. by a feeding tray for 9 – and just look how well they did that.
The dishwashingcrew – a tradition! – had a day off, but promised to get back to work tomorrow

H-miracle’s – for the first time dining
More……………….next time