D-nest I Besos di Ròsa d.d. 12.03.2017
ULTRASOUND 2017.02.08
The way she behaved, it couldn’t be else, but….. an ultrasound confirmed it
Besos and Duuk are to be mum and dad !
We are looking forward to the 6th generation Cocódotjes-miracles midst of March – 2017
Puppies expected midst of March 2017
Mother Multi Ch I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
Father Multi Ch Duuk Lui de Suevia Superiore
Both parents g-PRA free, ECVO completely free
Mother HD-A
We abide by the ( more stringent ) breedingrules of the German Breed Club
Interested? Or for info call 0(0-31)33-2535467 Or mail to cocodotjes@hetnet.nl