Puppies from Djaya de Besos

W1 W2 W3 W4
W5 W6 W7 W8 End
Puppies from Djaya oktober 2024

WEEK 9 up and untill the final day

The final report ………
……… took a while…..
For…..we had a lot of ‘foreigners’
And …..we have that wondeful European law – that makes no sence at all!
But it is what we have to deal with.

After ’the Dutch’ left, we provided them with a smaller foodtray. : which they liked.
It was funny however that 1 miracle ALLWAYS would be on the other side as the others.

Djaya en haar pups okt. 2024

5 that stay longer

So : we up to and including week 15 were stuck with puppies which dearly needed to go to their families,
where their real upbringing could start.
Such a pack of upgrowing puppies together ….like a pack of wild animals, shouting and struggling with
eachother. In this stage I call them ‘Gremlins’…..
Do you have them end of spring till midst of autumn > they most of the time can be outside, that now wasn’t
possible – which was a shame.

Djaya en haar pups okt. 2024

just awake

They grow very well and are also getting really nice coats – very beautiful.
Both times – at 9 and 12 weeks old –  at the Vet, he was very content with them.
Of good weight, very lively, naughty in a healthy way.
That’s what we need to hear him say.
What was funny to experience was that they all rejected the treats he gave them – the treat all Vets give
them : those Frolic things…..guess they were used to something better!

Djaya en haar pups okt. 2024

having treats at home

Then the moment did come that also for the ‘foreigners’ the time was there to leave,
Do they leave at 8 weeks old….that already is very hard.
Every week, what’s that I say : every day they stay longer it becomes more difficult – they then so belong to
the family!

We are very glad that for all of them good families were found.
All but one were already familiar with the Schapendoes.
And ……that’s sad ofcourse…….all but one family had shortly before lost their Schapendoes and one family
lost their Briard.
In this I could participate as we had to let go our só beloved and só very special I Besos di Ròsa a mere 4
days before the birth of these H-miracles.
Shared loss….
Our loss however made it hard for me to as usual enjoy this litter : the sadness of the loss só shortly before
was….and is…..simply too big.
We so far have not gotten around to mourning……that I am sure will start now.

It won’t take long before we see the H-miracles again – during our ‘we are appr. 4 months old’ visits
Once we have been to all of them, and were not allowed to or needed to taken any one of them back home,
we will officially sign them over to their new families.

Djaya en haar pups okt. 2024

no more miracles………