B-nest Rubí d.d. 30.01.2016
Week 8
Writing this it in our house is nice and clean and above all : smells fresh again. For now all 5 of Rubí’s B-miracles have gone to their new families.
During the 8th week the miracles how grown incredibly. Being a nuisance and showing personality > as we say being very healthy. We like them being like that, that being one of the reasons why we go for for a dog of one of our breeds: Schapendoes and Gos d’Atura Català.
At the last minute they were to practice something none of their former siblings have had to do staying at home alone, each in their own bench. Ouch. At first there was a lot of protesting but that stopped after a while and they went on enjoying a doggy-treat while listening to piano-music. When I returned they were all sound asleep.
Something that was great fun for the other dogs during the last 2 weeks, was the little ones having to take a bath in the morning > they each time turned that into a water ballet and after that played peek-a-boo from under the towel.
Then came their last night together, their last meal together, their last time sleeping together, the last time … For that reason their last evening-meal together had to be special. Then they – unlike all other times – were allowed to for once eat out of one big foodbowl together > at first they found that to be really strange, but after a while, hunger won and they enjoyed eating together like that.
hen came “D”-day the day of departure, ofcourse not all in one day, but one had to be the one to lave first. The first one that leaves and the last one, they ar the hardest to endure. We are happy that all miracles have found families willing to love them lots and who are prepared to even endure those first tough 6 months.