C-nest Ke-Sera de Cocó’s Hijo d.d. 10.11.2011



After that amazing experience in the very beginning of 2010, we felt the need to experience that once again. So on 2011.09.12 Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo had a romantic encounter with a handsome lad with the beautifull name Christóbal Protector del Rebaño, at home: Tobi. To be fair, you couldn’t really call it romantic. The moment she saw him, she showed him her beautifull and complete set of teeth and then made him run to every corner of the apple-orchard. She wasn’t even to be tempted with an apple.


The next morning however “love was in the air”. This resulted in the birth on 2011.11.10 (to bad we didn’t make ‘11.11.11) of 8 most wonderfull Cocódotjes miracles. 6 (súch a shock) adorable males and 2 precious females. All with good weights of around 300 gr, one weighing 335gr. and one 230 gr.  


During the birth – our coöperation was the same as last time – the backgroundmusic came from a CD given to us by the owner of papa Tobi – to celebrtate the “marriage “- and which has the so suitable title “Neues Spiel”, with song-titles like “du bist die schönste” and a special version of “our” song “Que sera, sera”. Just as the previous time she is a superb mama which makes work easy for me Her beloved daughter Ròsa Ke-sera and her dearly loved daddy Hijo are allowed to come close, her grandmother Cocó and het adopted daughter Rubí however have been made very clear to stay away Even the vet who came to check mother and 8 miracles was close to leaving without his nose.  


These puppies are noisier than the former ones, active from the very first start – they rappidly move around in the birthbox -and are blessed with a very healthy appetite. One of the 2 daughters is doing her utmost to become “mummies dearest” and you can constantly find her under mama’s chin or on her frontleg.


But finally day 5: the family once again can be together. Just like that Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo changed, wanted to be on my lap again and all the others were allowed to com close and give kisses.
Thát’s the way we like it.