C-nest Ke-Sera de Cocó’s Hijo d.d. 10.11.2011

Week 2
So, to start with, we sent all the paperwork to the Raad van beheer. By doing so the pedigree-names are definite. Everyone was given the opportunity to choose a name out of my list and I believe that was appreciated. I anyway received the responses in no time. The whole bunch is growing very well and Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo once again is a súpermummy. She also eats very, very well.

The puppies for Ròsa Ke-sera are somewhat difficult to live with, for all of a sudden she no longer is mummies little one, the baby or the dog that is being kuddled by people first. For that reason she sometimes seekes for comfort by going to lie down with her mummy when she has her time-alone-away-from-the-puppies.

The first future owners have come to visit and went home happy and looking forward to the next time, wondering how it wil be next time and how big the puppies then will be, a.s.o. End of this 2nd week all eyes are open, and some already stand steady on their feet, a few even “walk”.