C-nest Ke-Sera de Cocó’s Hijo d.d. 10.11.2011
Week 3
Oh, they go só fast and what a miracle it stays. In such a short time such a “guinee-pig” developes into a real little doggie, they start walking, the first little barks are to be heard en thay start climbing over things. When mummy enters the birthbox and one is lying on the wrong side of the bar simple: just climb over mummy > no obstacle too big.
The ladies at the moment are the strongest and belong to the heaviest three, they have no problem moving the others to the side to reach the nipple they prefer, they are not to be stopped. They all are capable of climbing out of the birthbox, after which they loudly ask to be put back with the others, ah-well: I keep running to do the job.
Also they discovered that the beautifull long legs of their brothers and sisters are very well to be used to chew on, feels lovely on the jaws. They are so funny. This morning during vacume-cleaningI had 2 “hikers” on the foot, 2 macho’s.
A little earlier than usual, but necessary because of other wonderfull news we expect this week, we arranged everything for putting up the first puppy-ring. Thát’s when it starts getting good, when they start moving around in there. And last but not least they are starting out to be real Cocódotjes. They love cuddling and kissing. That’s how we start the day and it’s the last thing we do before we turn the lights down at night. That’s the way we like it.