1 female

1 male

5 weeks old
This was a week…so full of a diversity of things…at times it was too much.
Not only do our miracles grow as you can only wish for, become more active by the day and have also started some fighting amongst eachother…the weekly visits of the future owners take up a lot of time and energy also. Now all families know which doggie will be the one to be added to their family : it’s feels só good that everyone has accepted the choice we made for them.
This also was the week the Chipper of the Raad van Beheer ( Dutch Kennelclub ) was to visit our house.: the night before we heard he was to visit us the next day at appr.15 hrs, but….he didn’t arrive untill appr.19 hrs! It by now was way passed dinnertime for the big doggies but even more so for the little ones > I truely felt sorry for them. This time all went better than last time : now only 1 doggie was bleeding and 1 cried a bit. Ah well, we once again survived! Now it’s waiting for the Pedigrees and DNA=profiles to arrive …..when daddy comes from abroad that often causes a delay.

ouch… blood!
As if this happening wasn’t enough, this week also was the moment for the medical check-up at 6 weeks and for the first vaccination. Well. I can tell you, our miracles are true hero’s! They didn’t give a sound but had a nice time cuddling with our Vet. Most important af all ofcourse was that the Vet declared them all completely healthy, no problems what so ever and …all 7 males…’have both…..’
The miracles finally drink water from the waterbowl very well and are very good eaters : they won’t say no to whatever you offer them. Too bad for the ‘dishwashers’ ..mostly the eatingbowls are empty. Mama Ròsa Ke-sera has decided to shut down the whippcream-factory…just like that she was done with it, no warning up front. And that’s fine, here the mama’s decide for themselves what’s the moment to stop nursing, they can do so perfectly.

drinking from the waterbowl together

very good eaters
The coming week some very special activities are planned More about that and more …..next time

42 days old