H-nest I Besos di Ròsa d.d. 20.11.2018
Puppies expected midst of…
Mother Multi Ch I Besos di Ròsa Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
Father Chêne Colline’s Hudson de Hijo
Both parents HD-A, g-PRA free, ECVO completely free
Mother HD-A
We abide by the (more stringent) breedingrules of the German Breed Club Interested? For info call 0(0-31)33-2535467 or 0(0-31-)6-22458837 Or mail to info@hoefflaeckens-coco.nl
It won’t be long now before Besos will make the world happier with new
The 2nd ultra-sound on 11.12 showed all to be well.
Now fingers crossed that it won’t be too hard on Besos.
Isn’t this just wonderfull?
Confirmation of Cocódotjes-miracles in process of…
Now about 1.9 cm big and with a heartbeat of 240.
Expected appr. 23.11