H-nest I Besos di Ròsa d.d. 20.11.2018


Week 7

week 7 foto 1

6 weeks old

The first day of this weekstarted of flashing!
Yes, really, for it was New Yearsday and in the first hours of the year there always are fireworks! Well, the H-miracles got acquainted with that : first they were in front of the open back doors, then they one by one were taken into the backyard on my arm. They endured the violence bravely, no shivering, no squeaking, simply quiet. 

week 7 foto 2

looking at fireworks

That same day they got a new house, the birthing-box was replaced by a big black bench with a once again bigger puppyfence. It didn’t take them long to go take a nap because the waiting bored them. When the work was done they immediately went in to play and after a while they all fell asleep in the big black bench.

week 7 foto 3

new house

These amazing H-miracles of ours…. are becoming more mature and naughty by the day.
They also have no problem with their meals, whatever you put in front of them, it’s finished before you know it > as you understand this to the great diappointment of ’the dishwashers’….
They now also are getting all kinds of doggy treats, out of them they really prefer the sticks of dried beef.

week 7 foto 4

snacking dried beef sticks

Tomorrow – on the first day of week 8 -, we have an introductory meeting with someone interested in our handsome male with the brown ribbon, our Brownie. However that turns out, we are taking it easy, he’s not leaving us in a hurry.

week 7 foto 5

our little male ‘Brownie’

During this seventh week all families have visited us for the last time. The coming eighth week is for us > to for the last moments and in all – relative – rest, enjoy eachother and to also go explore the outside world.
And then….yes, then……. 

More about that and more …..next time

week 7 foto 6

49 days old and taking a power-nap