Puppies from Hniña de Besos

Embleem NL maart 2024

1 of these females is still waiting for her family

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

Week 2

Oh……….how time flies!
The V-miracles already finished their second week!
Unbeleivable, it’s as if they have just arrived.

The second week, is a week in which rarely is a lot to be told about.
The tension of the first week and whether all will go well….no longer is there.
In fact, most of what happens in week 2 is…..growing!
And thát…..they do well.
They also are becoming more active and start shuffling across great-great-great-granddaddy Hijo’s
ever so comfortable doggiebed.

After ‘dinner’ thay can also enjoy siësta time with mum….só sweet!

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

the eight V’s – 8 days old

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

the V’s and mum Hniña de Besos….
siësta time

The other girls now got good acqainted with them.
Grandma I Besos di Ròsa regularly comes have a look – at first very carefully, by now she does
that as being the most normal thing in the world.
Great-grandma Ròsa Ke-sera limits it to – nose up in the air – sniffing up their scents > as is to be
expected : with her 14+ years old and not seeing and/or hearing to good anymore. Much safer.
Auntie Djaya de Besos……..she would love to move in with them…….
But she in this respects her halfsister Hniña de Besos and obeys her.

Great-grandma Ròsa Ke-sera and grandma I Besos di Ròsa at times get really tired of all the hassle
and  then retreat to the sofa………they then are completely knock-out……

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

Ròsa Ke-sera and I Besos di Ròsa ……exhausted

By now, Hniña de Besos once again comes along for our very early in the morning walk.
She loves it. And at dinner time she also joins the others again.
All her other meals and drinks she expects to be served > Geboortevrouwtje is to come do so on her
knees, preferably by hand too! Ah well, that’s what you get with true Cocódotjes…….

And then the moment came that mums belly skin needed to be protected.
That means, that the nails of those fidgeting little creatures needed to be cut for the first time.
Of course under the supervision of mum – who sat close by immeadiately checking every miracle.

And, before I forget…..they now have names to be called by for the time being.
They will have to make do with that for the next 4 weeks!

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

mum Hniña de Besos with her 2 weeks old V-litter

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

V-miracles 2 weeks old

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

3 males 12 days old

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

5 females 12 days old

This and more ……..next time