Puppies from Hniña de Besos

Embleem NL maart 2024

Week 8

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

the 8 – 50 days old
‘good morning world a brand new day’…

The top text says ‘week 8’…………….but in fact this report is about ‘week 8 + 1 day’!
You’ll find out why later this report

How was week 8?
It’s the last week with us, knowing that saying goodbye comes closer……
Bur for the rest : wonderful! Starting on Sunday, just for us – 5 days on a row!
So no more watching the clock ‘how much time do I have left before the next visitors arive’- how
ever nice those visits are – no questions to ask, no questions to answer, no explaining, no making
coffee a.s.o
Just doing our own thing our own way – within the limits imposed on us by the miracles.

But a real lot to do! For the last week is action week!
So, exploring the outside world a little > going to a children’s playground, car driving, going to a
really big and so,  crowded garden center, going to the market a.s.o.
All we always do with here born miracles.

Also thoroughly enjoyed the lovely wheather and the garden.
For we were ever so lucky with the nice wheather – the wheather gods were good for us.
The V-miracles enjoyed their playground outside to the max and had great fun there.
The first day I took them inside for food and to take a nap, but after that they every day had a lovely
time outside from 09 till 18 hrs. Very good and healthy for them.

As they ofcourse were not to be alone outside, decided to get to work in the garden : the hedges
needed pruning, sweeping, cleaning up messes – you know what I mean.
The miracles found all those activities very interesting.


Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

having fun in the outside playground

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

outdoor lunch

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

siësta outside

Mum Hniña de Besos and auntie Djaya de Besos joined forces and – from the lounge corner – kept
a close eye on everything > like true security guards.

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

the security crew

The last week…………..our private cuddle week………….without disruptions……wonderful.

But just as well a week in which the saying goodbeye started.
That also meant ‘packing suitcases’ for the ones leaving us.
I always do that together with my girls, who always are very anxious to see what all I put in.
Anf ofcourse all that paying attention to what I am doing, means there is something to earn : they
for sure can count on a tasty chewing bone.

As was to be read in former reports, here each eat from their own foodbowl.
But that last dinner and that last breakfast….they can eat together from one large round foodbowl.
Nice to see them do…..but, my-oh-my what a mess they then make…..

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

‘last dinner’ together

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

‘last breakfast’ together

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

eating neatly together

A few hours after that ‘last breakfast’ the exodus started off……the first one on Friday…..

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

and then there were …..7

Before on Saturday the next one was to leave, the miracles – now 7 – were treated on fireworks!
At the football fields nearby there was some kind of Junior Tournement and they started the day
with fireworks.
Did the miracles mind? Not at all, they simply went on with what they were doing.

It then, on Saturday, was time for the departure of nr 2 and nr 3.

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

and then there were …… 5

On Sunday ( this being the ‘+ 1 day’) another two left us….
The first one to leave on Sunday was our female with the yellow ribbon.
And in our frontgarden that day …the first yellow rose blossomed

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

exactly today the first yellow rose

Hniña de Besos en haar lover Iskan

and then there were ….. 3

These 3 will stay with us a little longer

About that and more……………..the next –  and last – time