È-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 11.07.2016

Week 2

How on earth is this possible All of a sudden almost 2 weeks have gone by already.
After 3 very long breaks, on July 11–’16, a bit sooner than expected and in their great-grandfather Hijo’s doggybed were born our 7 È-miracles. They have been doing well ever since the start. The Vet also was very content with mother and offspring.
The then already known 4 families who are to make one of the miracles part of their families, were phoned and they also were happy to hear about their birth and that there was one for them too. They now also have chosen from our list a Pedigree name for their doggie. With two other families we agreed that this wasn’t the right time in their life to have a (second) dog added to their family. That means that for 2 handsome males and 1 pretty girl we still are looking for loving families.

A first week ofcourse mainly means paying good attention that all goes well and that the mother recovers correctly and takes in sufficient nutrients to be able to take care of her offspring and to together find an adjust to our new rhythm. The other ladies – for yes we now only have ladies – behave unbelievably well. They walk in and out of the open puppyfence in front of the birtbox but respect what and how much mama Ròsa Ke-sera can accept.
When they all together lay around me in the livingroom, and there is a ‘squeak’ then all “4 mama’s” get up to go see what’s going on > só funny. And they ofcourse are very anxious to find what kind of delicious stuff Ròsa Ke-sera gets and they have no objection to also getting some of it Hijo’s doggybed still is in the birthbox for only there Ròsa Ke-sera wants to be with her offspring. By now the 4 lads and the 3 girls are getting quiet active already and sometimes they manage to on their bellies shuffle over the edge of the doggybed > meaning reaching and stretching for mum to get them back in.

This second week we were visited by those families who not yet are on holidays are have already been and oh, that’s só nice. Very curious and excited they then come in and from the first moment they are taken away when they see the miracles. These miracles by the way, by the end of this second week already weigh 2½ x their birthweight and tonight they will be dewormed for the 1st time. During next week’s visits we hope that all of them will have opened their eyes > they then immediately are “doggies”, very different. But more about this and more next time.