È-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 11.07.2016
Week 7
Just this beauty is waiting for her own family
They are getting big, it’s going way too fast. They very well know how to make clear when they want something, they fight with eachother: you can’t imagine how hard they can scream when one of them once again, with his/her sharp teeth, drags a sibling through the puppyarea. When I go to the kitchen, they immediately assume it’s for them and get to stand up straight against the fence. What they now really enjoy are their new squeeky toys. And finally they truely drink from the waterbowl.
The first day of this seventh week we started of with the Vet. As is costum with us, we have the 1ste puppy-vaccination done at home: much more relaxed, no dragging the little ones all over town and mum also stayes relaxed > once again all went well, they didn’t give a squeek, in fact found it to be quiet cosy: they cuddled with the Vet and he declared them all to be perfectly healthy and the boys to be “men”. Always comforting to hear. After that they deserved a treat.
When we on crazy early Tuesday-morning returned from our early morning walk a shock. The whole bunch was exploring the ground floorhad. I forgotten to close the door in the puppyfence .Or have they also got the by now famous “Besos-quality” and can they also open all doors”.
This past week it was só warm that we could hardly have the puppies be outside. Early in the morning it was okay to be on veranda but that was just about it > poor mama Ròsa Ke-sera would then have to wear a T-shirt for otherwise “she would have been eaten alive”. Still nice to do. But as soon as they found it to get too warm they went inside themselves.
Just like last time, we one evening (yes, really) received a phonecall from one of the people from the Raad van Beheer for making an appointment to come do the chipping and gathering of DNA-material. This time done a little later than usual for us but all went well. Though I must say that one little lady gave a short squeek and another little lady all at once had a red coat: blood. Ouch.
During this week all future families – but 1 – have been to visit us for the last time before they will come to take their new family-member home. Just last the first week, the last week is “ours”. We anyway have a lot to do the coming week, to have the miracles well prepared for life. And next week … Well, then we will start to explore the outside world: now that they have been vaccinated and have their chip. And ofcourse it will be a súper-huggy-cuddly-week for it won’t be long before they will start leaving the house.
More about that and more next time.