H-nest Ke-Sera de Cocó’s Hijo d.d. 14.01.2013
Week 8
The last week > that hurts. Time always passes by só fast, especially the last weeks, they just fly away. But the last week with us also is activities week. So now we are really going to get tired.
On Monday we started driving in the car: just here in the village > driving over speed bumps and doing many curves, a lot of pulling up and using the breaks. Well, all puppies had no problems with any of it, they didn’t make a sound and just sat there looking around.
In the afternoon we were visited by friends with their dogs > first time meeting dogs other than Schapendoes or Gos d’Atura Català: I believe they liked that. But after all that they were done and slept for hours.
The Tuesday was used for the real car-driving, that is: we made a lot of kilometers on the highway, we also went of and back on a few times. We were in a parking-garage and just like on the parkingplace of De Apenheul (sort of a zoo, but with mainly monkeys), lots of people wanted to admire and touch them.
Once home they were in the front garden for a while: on dog leashes. They had a good look around, saw people passing by and at the same time could get used to a leash this is how they were seated on the backseat and in the trunk of the car.
Then Wednesday came. We then went to a Garden Center in a town nearby. As it was extreemly lovely wheather, there were loads of people there. Dis-advantage was that I now, there, could not go racing with them, but big advantage was that they could be admired and cuddled by loads of people. One elderly lady reacted in a very typical way: after haven cuddled the puppies for while she asked me “you do have them in a Dog house, don’t you?” When I responded with “oh, no they are with us in the livingroom” she spontaneously said “Oh, Pooh”. That afternoon “our personal fotographer” came. She stays amazed about how well our little miracles do what is expected of them: cooperate Ah well, you are a “Cocódotjes”descendant or not Right?
Thursday we were to be found in a children’s playground, where we could enjoy the screaming of kids, which their mothers said about “aren’t they playing nice”? As far as I remember, from when my daughter was a young child, to us playing was something quiet different and we did not tolerate such screaming. But I guess we are getting old(er).
Friday – only for a short while for it was raining – I took them to visit the market: I pulled them behind me in a flightbox. I believe this was the adventure they least appreciated of all we did this week for here I heard some grumbling.
Besides taking on all these activities, all the rest also had to be done. The other dogs also needed to be taken care of and cuddled and praised. Still we created enough time for our “quality-time” and made sure that mummy Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo and the other dogs had time and opportunity to play with them and to caress them. And I can assure everyone: once again our Cocódotjes-miracles are heavenly hug butts who love to kiss and be kissed. How could they not be: we practised that unlimited.
What wonderfull and also beautifull miracles does our Ke-sera de Cocós’Hijo bring int the world : Thank you sweetheart.
But then the moment is coming to see them fly away to / with their new families. More about that in our next and – for this litter – final report.