Puppies from Djaya de Besos

Loversdate Birth W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8



Mother Multi Ch Djaya de Besos Van Hoefflaecken”s Cocó
Father Ch Xep Odi van de Brederwiede
Both parents HD-A, g-PRA free, ECVO free

We are a member of and abide by the (more stringent) breedingrules of the German Breed Club.

For info call 0(0-31)33-2535467 or 0(0-31-)6-22458837
Or mail to info@hoefflaeckens-coco.nl


Another good two weeks to go before we hope to welcome new Cocódotjes-miracles.
Today we were in the Clinic for a second utra-sound.
So fare everything looks really fine.
Fingers crossed that these last few weeks won’t be too hard for her.

echo 2 - 2

2nd ultrasound


We have been for an utrasound.
And Sinterklaas surprised us with an early present.
For: Djaya de Besos has a belly full of little legs.
A good heartbeat was heard en seen ad the little miracles are now appr. 1.9 cm long.

echo 1 - 7 - met hartslag van 220 en 1.9 cm lang

ultrasound with heartbeat and length