Pups van Djaya de Besos


Week 8 and closure

Yes…..and before you know it, it has become the last week with us for the I-miracles of our Djaya de Besos. 
It’s amazing how quickly those weeks pass. 

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the 9 I-miracles of Djaya de Besos – 50 days old

Normally we now would be socializing outside : that now due to COVID isn’t possible! 
But we did manage to do a few things : go cardriving and being pulled through part of the village in a big bench on a trolley. 
We also invited a few of the neighbour kids to come pet the puppies : which ofcourse was a great success! 
The handyman came to do some work, which made them get accustomed to the acts and sounds of hammering, drilling, sawing, sharpening and dropping material and ofcourse his rough workman’s hands. 

A last week as this, is just for us, just enjoying those last days together to the fullest. 
Have them fooling around in the downstairs with my 4 girls and finding out how many of their crazy tricks would be tolerated. Ah well, what could – in the worst case – happen…maybe a pee….if that’s all….. 
We truely and intensely enjoyed this last week together and now miss them terribly. 

To make the start with their new families easier, we always provide them with a ‘stinky toy’ > 
so, we put them in the bench next to nr. 10 for them to play with and make them ‘stinky’! 
Well, they did a good job so they ‘stinked’. 
Ofcourse they were also provided with something to remember their Geboortevrouwtje. 

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9 stinky-toys-to-be

Together we have also been doing a lot of packing : for from here one doesn’t leave empty handed 
> our miracles are always provided with a ‘nice suitcase’. 

In contrast to how it normally is, also these miracles were allowed their last meal together from a big round bowl
>  and they loved it!

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eating the last supper together from a big round bowl

The last one leaving….had to spend one night by himself > which he was not happy with at all. 
We calmed him by giving him a big sheep next to ‘nr 10′ > he then had a good night’s sleep in between them. 

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the last male to leave sleeps between a big sheep and ‘nr. 10’

Yes….and then….they had all left! We did that during 5 days – so very calm and comfortable. 
Now they all have their own new family.
And no : even though it is a custom with us with a new generation – this is the 7th – not one stayed. 
As we kept a puppy from both littters of our I Besos di Ròsa – and the youngest has only recently turned 2 – 
this isn’t the time for us. There most certainly will come a time for another little lady for ourselves. 

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the 5 males of Djaya de Besos her I-litter

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the 4 females of Djaya de Besos her I-litter

We wish the I miracles of Djaya de Besos a very good life with their new families. 
And hope and trust that our miracles will bring them happiness and joy. 
We are happy to know we will shortly see eachother again. 

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