Pups van Djaya de Besos
Week 4
![week04 - 1](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-1.jpg)
Djaya de Besos her I-miracles – 22 days old and having a drink
Yes, the fourth week….
That always is the week of the great changes.
It’s the week in which they al of a sudden are confronted with ‘strange food’, the week in which the teeth come through and….in which they start hearing ( not listening! ). The change only that already brings!
They also start dicscovering eachother : biting in ears, tails and ‘private parts’….and a bit of grumbling is also to be heard.
![week04 - 2](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-2.jpg)
the I-miracles : all together on ‘nr. 10’
That strange food…..they didn’t look surprised about that at all.
They lick their lips after being presented such nice stuff. Well: presented…they ofcourse are fed out of my hand.
We started of with very finely grinded beef, a few days thereafter followed by a teaspoon of calfsliver-sausage, then it was time to try out tripe and a teaspoon with cottage cheese is also on the menu.
This week they also were given more living space. During the week there were attempts to climb out of the birtbox, so now they also have a small puppyfence with puppypads.
Puppypads they most certainly now what they are for : have a look!
![week04 - 3a](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-3a.jpg)
more space for the I-miracles
![week04 - 3b](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-3b.jpg)
more space for the I-miracles
Their ‘aunt’ Hniña de Besos now is truely comfortable with their presence and no longer gives a wink for a beep or a bark. She loves cuddling them, still very carefully in the doorway of the puppyfence or through the bars.
But the start is there, it won’t take long before she is doing crazy with them!
![week04 - 4a](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-4a.jpg)
aunt Hniña de Besos comes for a cuddle
![week04 - 4b](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-4b.jpg)
but very carefully
The families-to-be for our miracles this week came to visit for the first time.
Naturally very carefull and in accordance with the COVID-rules as well as possible.
When all cooperate, pay attention and are carefull it should be possible.
It would be such a loss to have to miss this period, the images of now one will never forget.
The girls and I have been very spoiled with flowers and all kinds of treats by the families-to-be, there even were toys for the miracles to play with in the puppyfence!
Ai-ai-ai, all those treats….normaly I loose the weight of a puppy during these 8 weeks.
Thát won’t be the case this way.
But …. as they say in Belgium ‘ due to COVID you won’t be able to wear those nice ‘kleedjes’ anyway’!
Those Belgians are right, so….let’s just enjoy treats then!
Djaya de Besos continues to be a loving, but very protective mum. And that she may be, we adjust as long as it stays reasonable. For the rest she does só well that her being extra protective we take for granted.
![week04 - 5](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-5.jpg)
Djaya de Besos with her I-miracles – 4 weeks old
Tomorrow we will start the coming week partying.
Our Ròsa Ke-sera ( and her 9 siblings ) – the great-grandmother of these I-miracles – will on 2021.02.01 be celebrating her 11th birthday.
And she is becoming sweeter, more cuddly and affectionate by the day. And is as pretty as ever.
![week04 - 6](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-6.jpg)
the I-miracles – 28 days old
De nieuwe week gaan we morgen beginnen met feest vieren.
Onze Ròsa Ke-sera ( en haar 9 broertjes en zusjes ) > de overgrootmoeder van deze I-wondertjes, wordt maandag 2021.02.01 namelijk al weer 11 jaar!
En ze wordt met de dag liever, knuffeliger en aanhankelijker. En mooi is ze als altijd.
![week04 - 7](http://www.hoefflaeckens-coco.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/week04-7.jpg)
Ròsa Ke-sera – 11 years old on 2021.02.01
More about this and more……next time.