I-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 13.9.2013

2013.08.19 Great puppy-news!
Ròsa Ke-sera was in Utrecht for a check-up and an ultra-sound. Somewhat later than usual, she truly is pregnant. The coming little Cocódotjes-miracles are already quiet big and it looks like it once again will be a “big family”! Apparently also this generation prolongs another tradition. Now we have to sit and wait ’till the big day is there.

Our rosebud now is a rose rosebud rose in bloom. our little whitch Ròsa Ke-sera kept us waiting for quiet a while, but finally, on the day we saw our first waterlilly of the year it was time.
Near a beautifull Rosengarten they played their game.

Both parents ECVO-free, g-PRA aa/++, HD-A.

Combination without objections approved by the German IGS.
Mid-August we will have an ultra-sound done If all goes well and as hoped for, we expect the puppies mid-September 2013.