I-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 13.9.2013
Week 2
The Cocódotjes-miracles of Ròsa Ke-sera are growing extreemly well. Now at the end of the 2nd week they – but for 1 – just about quadrupled their birth-weight. That however comes at the expense of mama Ròsa Ke-sera, for she is all skin and bones. She always was skinny, but now! Ròsa Ke-sera still is perfectly happy with the other dogs coming to kiss and cuddle, it is all very relaxed.
After during the 1st week only family and friends cam e to visit us, this week is was time for the first new families-to-be to come visit. That always is exciting. For, even though to us the Cocódotjes-miracles are the sweetest, the most beautifull, the best and most special Doezen-puppies in the world. Others might think quiet differently or can’t they? To our relieve they thought our miracles to be just as nice as we do.
Yes, the second week, also is a week during which the first developments of the little ones take place. The eyes are supposed to open up and the first teeth may appear. Did that happen? Yes. On day 11 the first-born bitch and the first-born male each had one eye open and on day 13 both eyes of all puppies were open. That is só cute. With eyes open they immediatly have another snout. Also there is a lot of tottering on shaky little legs all across the birthbox. For the first time they also felt a combe stroke their backs > thát they liked.
And for the first time I cut their toe-nails; this wasn’t pleasant to do at all, not for me nor for the other dogs. Especially mama Ròsa Ke-sera and Rubí were devastated. For they shouted their loungs out, as if they were being murdered. Really. It’s a good thing that I am not new in the field, for should this have been my first time I don’t know wheather I would have been able to finish the job, let be having to do it a few times more.
Teeth haven’t appeared yet > they are keeping that for next week.
Just like another nice thing we for the first time will do tomorrow.
To be continued.