I-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 13.9.2013

Week 8

This already was our last week with the Cocódotjes-miracles of Ròsa Ke-sera. They were and are an adorable litter of miracles, with the only dissonant being the passing away of “little Grey”. For the rest it was simply wonderfull and amazing how fast these little ones grew. They – for instance – at 6 weeks old no longer needed their dry food to be softened but were perfectly able to chew that fine with their completely present and complete sets of teeth. Just as they didn’t have any problem with a normal doggy-cookie.
The usual “boxing-matches” also started somewhat earlier than we are used to. But for the rest they were really sweet and you could do with them whatever you wanted, everything was okay with them. As long as they got attention and they already are champions in cuddling. At night playing with mama Ròsa Ke-sera , first the one after the other and then all together, they loved doing. The last few nights they also slept well and long and only after I got up “pipi and kaka came out immediatly” making me start the day cleaning up again before I could go walk the other dogs.

Ròsa Ke-sera has shown to be the best mama possible. At first I didn’t know what to expect of our little witch, but really: a better, sweeter, more tolerant and/or playfull mama is hard to find, I assure you. She has been a delight and a revelation I now am even prouder of her than I already was. Just as proud of and happy with I am with the rest of my rather big doggy-family, who during all these weeks have had to accept coming second and accepted that without a sound.
Neither were there our usual long walks in the woods > no, they instead had to do with us going for a long walk at 05.30 hrs in the morning (night). I am truly lucky with my doggy-family. Yes, and that Schapendoes-doggy-family now consists of 5 generations Cocódotjes. Now Cocó is a great-greatgrandmother, Hijo is a greatgrandfather, Ke-sera de Cocó’s Hijo is a grandma, Ròsa Ke-sera now also is a mama and the Gossos-ladies now are “aunties”.

A lot needed to be done this last week, but unfortunately we were not able to do it all because of the wheather not playing along. Friday we were at the market in Nijkerk – is bigger than in our village – and there I took them all over in a flightbench > hobbly-wobbly over the rocky stones and making a lot of noice, we had to stop regularly for people wanted to see and – as we hoped for – caress them.
Unfortunately we couldn’t go to the children’s playground, that is “couldn’t” we ofcourse could have gone and sit down there but as the rain came pouring down there wasn’t a child in sight, so we didn’t. What they did do is sit down in front of the open backdoors and enjoy the pouring rain and the thunder and lightning. After having heard so much fireworks they didn’t care at all.

In our house they have been able to play with all the adult dogs and this time greatgrandpa Hijo tolerated them laying down next to him on the couch and they were even allowed to climb on his back> isn’t he an adorable chap.

On Saturday the last future-owners came to visit and after that we had some wonderfull days just for us, to enjoy eachother before it was time for the 1st one to fly away. Even though you know our miracles will have a good life with people who sometimes for at least 8 weeks have been longing for the moment of his/her “coming home” and who have prepared everything and only lack our miracle it stays hard to see them drive away.
Friday it was time for the last one to leave us and her we brought more or less halfway and transfered her to her new owner there. The first one leaving and the last one they are the hardest. Within a day all but one called us or sent an Email ( yes, with foto’s ) and ofcourse I called them all one or two days after they went home with our miracle to hear if all was okay. I can say that all families are extreemly happy with their new family-member and that being the case makes it bearable for us also.
To be continued.