Pups van Hniña de Besos
The second crop of the seventh generation Cocódotjes-miracles!!!
I, the owner/breeder
their great-grandmother Ròsa Ke-sera,
grandma I Besos di Ròsa
aunt Djaya de Besos
and mum Hniña de Besos
want to inform you that on Friday 2022.11.11
the birth of new Cocódotjes-miracles made the world a little prettier
2 handsome lads and 4 pretty girls
our J-litter
mum = Hniña de Besos van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó
dad = Camagis Kian
Hello sweethearts, I am your mummy Hniña de Besos
J-litter of Hniña de Besos
We believe to have loving families for all puppies
For information
call 0(0-31)33-2535467
or send an email to info@hoefflaeckens-coco.nl