Pups van Hniña de Besos


Week 4

week 4 foto 1

The six – 22 days old

It took a while……..but finally in the ‘IT-system’ of the Raad van Beheer the necessary changes were made and now our Pedigree names have been accepted.
Once again there was a problem – now all of a sudden also the punctuation marks were counted
> making our names too long!

This week their living quarters have been changed : now the shelves are out of the front of the birthbox, they have a penn and there are training pads in the penn > as soon as I put them down …..they used them. Smart miracles we have!

week 4 foto 2

New living quarters

Hniña de Besos her miracles are doing great.
They grow immensely fast – little seals they are!
They now already are able to hear, to walk through the birthbox and the penn on fairly strong legs, have started playing with eachother a little and are discovering toys.
Great-grandma Ròsa Ke-sera, grandma I Besos di Ròsa and aunt Djaya de Besos pay regular visits and even go lie down with them for a cuddle – so wonderful that this is possible.

Oma I Besos di Ròsa komt er even boij liggen knuffelen

grandma I Besos di Ròsa visiting

Another big change this week : we started with – by hand – feeding them very finely grounded red meat > and they love it. We started carefully with 1 time a day a small portion, but now they already manage three fairly big portions per day!
At first it was a little getting used to for mum Hniña de Besos, but now she – with the others – lie waiting till I am done >> they then get ’the last bite’!
Immediately thereafter though…..mum is in the birthbox and the whole gang lay at ’the bar’….

week 4 foto 4

mum with her offspring lying at the bar

This week we also had our first visitors – everyone full of expectations and happy ofcourse.
Mum Hniña de Besos during these visits was sweet and at ease but watchful. Afterwards you couldn’t but notice that it took a lot of her and she for a  little while was extra protective.
We will build it up slowly.

For the coming week we have a lot on the program
About that and more……………next time