Pups van Hniña de Besos


Week 2

week 2 foto 1 de zesling - acht dagen oud - een hoopje geluk

the six – 8 days old

Once those little ones are there…….times starts to go só fast!
We have already reached the end of week 2

In this fase there isn’t só much to tell, but everything is going truely good:
they grow very well and Hniña is a really caring mum.
In the meantime great-grandmother Ròsa, grandmother Besos and aunt Djaya all three have been paying visits to come sniff and ……if you ask me : the little ones have been accepted and approved.
Auntie Djaya…..she wouldn’t mined go live with them…..so every now and then she is called out.
To our luck she listens very well and leaves the mothering to Hniña

It didn’t take long for Hniña to decide that she wanted to go out together with the others again : she in fact wanted to do so from day 2 – that ofcourse was out of the question.
But Saturday we gave in and now she does the walks together with the others. She won!

An then it was 11.20….the 4th birthday of mum Hniña de Besos ( and her siblings )
> that ofcourse – as always – called for a celebration. This time we hung some flags on the fence around the birthbox but this time left out the hats – there are boundaries.
But the creamcake most certainly was there, and the girls enjoyed it very much.

week 2 foto 2 Hniña de Besos voor de versierde ren

Birthdaygirl Hniña de Besos in front of the decorated birthbox

This week was the first time we needed to cut their nails > but that was somethiung that troubled Hniña
> so I put her next to me on the hocker while I got the job done and then it was okay with her.
For we do need to take care that mummies belly skin doesn’t get hurt.

week 2 foto 3 mama Hniã de Besos met haar kroost

mum Hniña de Besos with her offspring

This and more ……..next time