Pups van Hniña de Besos


Week 3

de zesling 15 dagen oud

The six – 15 days old

I am starting this week wit a special ’thank you’…..
We have a puppy-family who on their calender have each birthday and date of death of my dogs
> every time there is a birthday-card or a ‘we-miss-you’mail
They have Saartje – a sister of our I Besos di Ròsa > zo a great-aunt to these puppies
Friday, out of the blue, there was a big Halmark box at the frontdoor…..
In it a big balloon for Best Mum and a very sweet and complimentary card
Look – the ballon now hangs at the birthbox and the card is in Hniña’s J-litter book

mooie ballon met prachtige kaart

Beautiful balloon with lovely card

de ballon hangt aan de geboortebox

The balloon hanging by the birthbox

There is something that always makes the end of week 2 / start of week 3extra exciting…..for when all goes as it should ……sometime around this time the little ones show their eyes! And…YES!!…also this time! 
All six have beautiful eyes.

mama Hniña de Besos met kroost met kijkers

mum Hniña de Besos with her offspring who now show their eyes

We also enlarged their linvingspace a little : by taking out Hijo’s doggybed

nieuw interieur

New living quarters

This and more ……..next time