The last week our seven would be together. And not even for a complete week, for they urgently needed to experience new adventures and – also due to the beautiful weather – it would be a waste to not let the new owners enjoy their new family-member. But before it was time to go, there was still a lot that needed to be done.
For instance the miracles had to get used to the sent of their new families. We do that by during the last week putting the puppy in a flight- box next to my seat for appr. 1/2 an hour per day, in it something with the sent of the new family. As our miracles always have a great longing to be free one can understand that the first 5 minutes not always were soundless.

Also we needed to visit a playground and we took a ride over the market transported in a big fligt-box > shaking and making a lot of noise. By now they were big enough to get 4 instead of 5 meals. The first day they found the time in between to be long but we solved that with their “in-betweens”. Especially when they got their dried beef they immediately were quiet and and just lay there enjoying and chewing > they love that.

Naughty they also were al during the day I pay special attention to them not ruining the newspapers. But then I very early in the morning go for the long walk with the other dogs there’s no-one there to say “no” and they can do as they please. Really, one does not need a shredder > they do that job for you.

The weather being só nice, they this week have been outside a very lot. They loved it Helicopters flying over the house > nice Birds > funny. A cat on the fence > interesting. And so on, and so on.

Then comes the night they for the last time are with all 7, eat together, sleep together.

And then ofcourse I had to make sure that what the miracles were to take to their new home was in good order. Ofcourse all my dogs are always present at whatever I do, so they also kept an eye on this job hoping that every now and then something would fall on the floor (totally not meant to do so (?) that ofcourse happened). Besos – this being the first time she experienced it – found it to be very interesting and twice emptied a just packed bag > isn’t she the best? After that she needed to take a powernap.

Now 5 of the 7 miracles have been picked up by their new owners and taken to their new homes. I have called each and every one of them – some have also called me and even the first foto’s have arrived – and so far all is well. Everyone is happy with their new family-member. Good, for that is why we do this.
Our 2 who not yet have a new family > I have started training them to do “what needs to be done” outside and so far so good they did well today. It is a little harder to do with 2 puppies, so they did need the newspaper once or twice but you won’t hear me complain for they did it outside several times. They like very much being outside on a leish and have been admired lots.

I would like to finish this week-report with a special “thank-you-lots” – to mama Rubí for giving us her 7 miracles and “still looking good” for her very good taking care of them and for allowing Besos “to help her” – to Besos, still being a baby herself, so in love and so good – and to the 4 Schapendoezen who were great, for being so tolerant and patient during all these 8 – 10 weeks, for being available for combing ans whatever needed to be done or shown and for helping bring up and socialize the miracles.

Unusual for us, they this time received no rewards so I took care of that myself and so they got their favorite chewing bone which they enjoyed in the garden. The 2 little ones enjoyed a piece of dried beef.
Now no more week-reports. But I will give information/a last report when the female an male that are still here also find their own family I hope everyone will be very happy with a miracle of ours and that he/she brings what was hoped for – or more.
Be good to him/her.