M-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 02.03.2015


Week 6


Ohhh wat worden ze al groot. Het zijn al echte hondjes. Ze groeien als kool, zijn steeds ondernemender, spelen, zijn ondeugend, bijten hun broertjes en zusjes met hun scherpe tandjes in hun oortjes en beentjes en zijn steeds langer wakker en actief. Mama Ròsa Ke-sera is opgehouden ze te zogen > maar goed ook. Ze eten en drinken zelf heel goed, dus mams is er vanaf nu om mee te spelen en te knuffelen. En de wondertjes die eten niet alleen heel goed zij eten ook heel netjes. En hun “familie” is niet te beroerd daarna de afwas te doen.  


All future owners come visit as often as they can and have also started to experience what it’s like to combe and take care of a doggy. The one does it a bit better than the other, the one finds it a bit more scary than the other, but it needs to be said that all did a quiet good job > what helps is that they really want to learn how to do it. It is só nice that most of them keep the other adult dogs in mind and spoil them a bit > they truely deserve that too: for during the weeks we have puppies they really have to take a step back and they also behave supergood when the one after the other is being used to practice the combing etc. on. Mama Ròsa Ke-sera then looks extreemly pretty again, even though her coat now is less thick and shorter, she stays beautiful.


This week was the week important decisions had to be made. For the time had come to tell the future owners which doggy I had chosen to become theirs > once again we can tell you that there wasn’t anyone not wanting to accept our choice > so now all miracles definitely have found their own families. Once that had been taken care of, the 9 little miracles for the first time had a soft-tripe-stick-treat > mmm thát tasted good. Ofcourse the 5 big miracles also were given a tasty treat.  


This week they did not only first get more puppy-fence-space end of the week they also moved to a different housing. The birthbox has been replaced by a big black bench > did that scare them? > no, not these miracles. They immediately went inside, but sleeping they wanted to do “outdoors” in their little doggybeds.


This week in the news I heard them say that “a presidential candidate” not yet had “something of importance to give”, well here that comes 9 times at one time. And that time after time, after time. That’s why we are trying to make the miracles help clean.


And next week? Oh, thát’s going to be a week. It’s time for several official happenings, see how they handle that. And we have to pay real good attention making sure all is done correctly.
