M-nest Ròsa Ke-sera d.d. 02.03.2015

Week 8

This week from day 1 on has been “the last week together”, sometimes that’s how it is. Even the doggy-family felt that things were about to happen. That’s why it turned into an extreem “cuddle-week”. Also a week during which the miracles started growing very fast: there were days that some of them gained appr 250 gr per day.
The battles between them also grew as did the volume of their voices. The complete Cocódotjes-family + Rubí helped pack the goodbye-bags and the foodboxes > the rascals sometimes took of with something good.

To my joy, there also were wonderfully quiet moments: for the miracles still sleep a lot > to regain their energy and to grow This week we have also had lovely times outside where they once again got in touch with new things. Did we go anywhere nearby, then I took them with me in a big flightbox – a lot of noice from the wheels – so I could take them all at once and have them share the new experience together too.

The last week together, just like the first days are, is “our week”. To slowly get ready for saying goodbye – me as well as the complete doggy-family – and to get all the paperwork done. Only 2 families / future owners were to visit us, that’s all. On the last evening the miracles were allowed to eat all together from 1 big round bowl. And after such a “last-time-together-meal” one is thirsty. After that it’s time for a last night sleeping together.

And then all of a sudden it’s time for the first ones to leave the nest > no, not all at once, we do that nice and easy. Something like this with us can take several days > for then we have time to still discuss a few items with the future owners. And it is better for the mother as well as for the rest of the doggy-family and well as for me. Even though you know that it’s time, even though the future owners were carefully selected (you can say I gave them a real hard time) is stays difficult to see them drive away.

And so on the first day of week 9 we have 2 ladies left staying with us. They will be going to their new families by the end of the week, allowing us to enjoy them a little longer. We did take all the bigger puppy-stuff away and replaced it with a smaller bench etc. >> they would feel lost in the big bench.

And next week? Well, as you read just before it isn’t over yet.

More about that next time.