Puppies from Djaya de Besos


For ‘Rooie’  we haven’t a lovely family yet.
Call to 00-31-33-2535467
Or mail to info@ hoefflaeckens-coco.nl

Week 7

koekjes snoepende O-wondertjes – 43 dagen oud

the O-miracles snacking cookies – 43 days old

This time news about a too full week – the seventh week.
One that started of with Mothersday…………………..
So there was a little hope that the families whom Djaya de Besos will shortly be making very happy with one of her miracles, would overflow her with sweet messages….maybe even with something sweet……but sadly : no……..
So then we spoiled her ourselves.

Geboortevrouwtje was spoiled too : one of the families who have one of our Gos-puppies came to treat her with a meal of asparagus! It was delicious, but just the gesture : THANK YOU!



The ‘working week’ started of with a visit from the Vet, always calm and easy in our own house
> for it was time for the O-miracles to have their 6-weeks-old check-up and first vaccination.
It ran flawlessly, the Vet did not notice any imperfections and was able to tell ’that all boys were intact’!
Which also is reassuring to know.

een powernap na de dierenarts

a powernap after being with the Vet

Their playground was enlarged a little again and they now also have a big plastic doggybed to play in.
They enjoy that extreemly well : they put in all toys and then make a lot of noise, or hide behind it and then scare their brother or sister. But….it also is a perfect place to pee and poop….
……which is not being appreciated by Geboortevrouwtje…..
What they also like doing, is biting in eachothers tails, noses and legs, or hook up their fangs and then pull…OUCH!!

grotere ren en kunststof mand

bigger playground and big plastic doggybed

For the rest the week was loaded with – for the most – the fourth visits of the families-to-be.
They now ofcourse came to truely visit their future roommate!
With all the – unconscious – tension coming with it…..
During those last visits, I also show how a Schapendoes is to be combed – here at least!
This time Hniña de Besos acted as a comb model :
– great-grandma Ròsa Ke-sera I feel is to old for that now ( well over13 years old )
– grandma I Besos di Ròsa looked at me as if saying ‘no messing around with me’  and
– mum Djaya de Besos for that now is not in the right condition – too vulnerable.

With these visits we were busty from Tuesday up to and including Friday.
And ofcourse everything else also needs to be done and/or taken care of.
It simply was a too busy week.
It even bothered the little ones – too much commotion.
That’s why we made Saturday – the last day of the seventh week – a relax- and cuddle-day!

uitgeputte achtling na te veel bezoek

exhausted miracles after too much to do

But Saturday also turned out to be more!
At the end of the afternoon : the doorbell rang > the postman with a package!
To  “ Van Hoefflaecken’s Cocó “
It came from a family who have a puppy from our Hniña de Besos
> the family of Javi de Hniña, at home they call him Ollie.
In the package, a more than sweet card, sweets for my girls, chocolates for Geboortevrouwtje and – really!!
– something for the O-miracles > Ollie’s cousins.
Touchingly sweet, so thoughtful. 

voorkant kaartje

front side of the card

tekst kaartje

text inside the card

Next week, for the most of them being the last week with us, is going to be a special week for the miracles! First of all because we for now will not have any obligatory visits and can be comfortably  just ‘in the famliy’. But also because it is time to go discover and get to know the outside world.

About that and more …………next time